3 ways to cook pumpkin pumpkin -style catering, boil separate ingredients

KOMPAS.com – Boil the ingredients to make compote separately so that the texture is not very long and more durable.

Tips for cooking compote were delivered by Executive Chef Asri Indo Catering, Agus Yulianto, when met Kompas.com After the IFTAR Buffet Smesco 2025 press conference in South Jakarta, Wednesday (2/26/2025).

Generally, how to cook compote starts from boiling pieces of ingredients such as sweet potatoes, salak seeds, bananas, pumpkin, or fro, then added coconut milk and brown sugar and cooked together until cooked.

Agus said, besides the method, there are still other ways of cooking compote that can be followed at home as follows.

Also read: Jackfruit Banana Recipe, Sweet Ramling Fasting Menu

1. Boil separate ingredients

Compote is usually made from a mixture of different ingredients. This piece of material requires duration when boiled until cooked.

“The duration of cooking pumpkin, bananas, and fro has a matter of minutes. Each is cooked first until cooked,” Agus said.

The level of maturity of compote material depends on each taste. You can cook it until it is completely cooked or almost almost cooked.

This also applies to coconut milk and brown sugar which according to Agus, needs to be cooked separately from these ingredients.

Also read: How to Storing Coconut milk for the rest of the compote so as not to get stale quickly

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