Rose -scented coffee from the slopes of Merapi, provides conservation and economic benefits for farmers – The aroma and taste of coffee will generally be influenced by the surrounding environment. If there is a jackfruit plant nearby, the coffee may also have a jackfruit aroma. If there are bananas, then the aroma of banana can appear.

What if the coffee plant is planted near the rose or tobacco fields? This is what appears in coffee from Hamlet Gumuk, Mriyan Village, Tamansari District, Boyolali, Central Java.

In the form of seeds or coffee powder that has beenRoastingthe fragrance of tobacco that appears is really tempting. Once brewed, the charming rose fragrance will smell, and the taste of sweet corn that makes coffee does not need to be added sugar.

Coffee with the aroma of this rose is planted on the east slope of Mount Merapi at an altitude of about 1,300 meters above sea level (masl).

According to Joko Susanto, Secretary of the Subur Makmur Farmers Group as well as the Dukuh Gumuk coffee activist, the planting of coffee here began in 2017.

The initial goal is to increase income, in addition to the long cultivation of roses and tobacco that have long been carried out by residents. But over time, the aim of protecting agricultural land so as not to landslides because the area is a water catchment area.

The uniqueness apparently attracted various parties, including Danone with Aqua products, which have water conservation programs in the upstream river area, including Hamlet Gumuk.

As in other areas that became the location of Aqua production, coffee from Hamlet Gumuk was then named Tirto Coffee, with the addition of “Gumuk Merapi”, and was inaugurated Tuesday (2/18/2025).

“The launch of the new variant of the Tirto Gumuk Merapi coffee is one of a series of downstreaming activities from the Aqua Klaten conservation program in the Pusur Sub -Alam Subsoles, so that the conservation efforts made in the upstream region are also implemented through the economic instrument approach through marketing non -wood forest products namely cultivation Coffee conservation, “said Novan Yulianto-Head of PT Tirta Investama Klaten’s factory in his statement.

Planting coffee as a conservation effort

Coffee from Gumuk Hamlet, on the slopes of MerapiKompas, Com/Anggara Wikan Prasetya Coffee from Gumuk Hamlet, on the slopes of Merapi

Coffee plants are considered to have the ability to absorb water into a fairly good soil so that it can support conservation efforts to protection of water resources.

The Gumuk Hamlet is in the Pusur Watershed (DAS), the upstream part which is a water catchment area.

This area is important because it is the main water catchment for the flow of the Pusur River which irrigates agricultural land in Klaten Regency, until it empties into the Bengawan Solo River.

Not only that, this water catchment area is also important to provide abundance of water for the tourism sector, such as tubers or springs in Klaten, to river tubing tourism.

Tirto coffee to improve the welfare of farmers

Coffee planting in the upper Hulu Pusur Watershed which is a conservation effort is in line with Aqua’s efforts to preserve the water catchment area.

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