Modern-traditional iftar package, you can try Baklava to Fusion Pizza – Hotels in South Jakarta, the Aston Priority Simatupang & Conference Center Hotel presents a breaking fast package with a modern-traditional style food concept during the month of Ramadan. The iftar package rate here is priced at Rp 363,000 per person.

This year, the theme raised during the month of Ramadan is “Ramadan Story”, this concept is promoted to invite guests to share the story on social media while enjoying the food menu at Aston Priority Simatupang.

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“Ramadhan Story was appointed as the theme of Iftar this time actually following the current trend. Where everyone prefers to share its importance moments on social media, using Instagram Story features, for example,” said Executive Chef Aston Priority Simatupang, Febrian Sjarif in South Jakarta, Thursday (2/27/2025).

Therefore, he continued, served mainstay menus for guests during the month of Ramadan, one of which is Baklava.

Febrian continued, typical Middle Eastern food is currently on the rise in the culinary industry, but there are still not many who serve Baklava. Except, in a restaurant that is specifically serving culinary typical Middle East or Türkiye.

Homemade Beef Barbeque, a dish that must be tried when breaking the fast at the Aston Priority Simatupang Hotel, South Jakarta, Thursday (2/27/2025). Suci Wulandari Putri Homemade Beef Barbeque, a dish that must be tried when breaking the fast at the Aston Priority Simatupang Hotel, South Jakarta, Thursday (2/27/2025).

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“Because Baklava is one of the products that require premium ingredients, the price is relatively more expensive, and we present it here with a larger ProSi and can be enjoyed as much as possible,” he said.

At this time, Baklava is a snack that must be tried during dining. This Turkish snack is made from Filo Pastry With tasty and spices that add to the rich taste.

The portion served here is also bigger, so that guests who come can eat as much as they want.

Not only that, another dish that must be tried when Iftar here is Homemade Beef Barbeque, which is processed Indonesian beef that has a taste Fruity Because it is processed with Malang Apple and Orange Sari.

Then, there is an Indonesian-style fusion pizza, which is piza which is processed using typical Indonesian ingredients, such as curry and maranggi meat.

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Fusion Pizza in Indonesia, a dish that must be tried when breaking the fast at the Aston Priority Simatupang Hotel, South Jakarta, Thursday (2/27/2025). Suci Wulandari Putri Fusion Pizza in Indonesia, a dish that must be tried when breaking the fast at the Aston Priority Simatupang Hotel, South Jakarta, Thursday (2/27/2025).

Not to forget, there is a typical Middle East dish, namely Arabic Mezza. Here there are a variety of appetizers with a choice of healthy menus typical of the Middle East.

Among them there Hummusare nuts that refer to the main ingredients of this dish, namely Arabic beans or Chickpea. Not only this, this dish can also be used as a source of protein and also a source of fiber for health.

The next dish is there tabboulehnamely vegetarian dishes typical of the Middle East Arabic which are usually made from tomatoes, pieces of parsley, mint, bulgur, and leeks. This dish is seasoned with olive oil, lemon juice, and salt.

Then, there is a dish Shirazi Saladnamely typical Persian salads made from tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, spices, and spicy sauce.

Other dishes exist Toumnamely typical Middle Eastern sauce made from garlic oil, lemon juice, and a little salt. Touum has a strong taste, the texture is soft and creamy, usually served as a companion sauce for typical Middle Eastern dishes.

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