Benefits of Oolong Tea for Body Health and Mind – It is undeniable that tea is one of the most popular drinks in the world. After water, tea becomes the most global consumed drink.

In addition to providing a delicious and soothing taste, tea also offers a variety of health benefits.

One type of tea that is worth a try is Oolong tea.

Also read: Benefits of Oolong Tea for your body and mind

What is Oolong Tea?

Oolong tea is a type of tea that undergoes a partial fermentation process. Tea leaves picked left withered and oxidized before finally dried. In the tea spectrum, Oolong is between green tea and black tea.

Peter Goggi, President of the Tea Council of the USA, explained that all true tea came from the Camellia Sinensis plant.

Green tea does not experience oxidation so it remains green and has a taste that looks like grass or straw. Meanwhile, black tea is fully oxidized so that the color is darker and it tastes stronger.

Oolong tea is only oxidized in part, with varying oxidation levels depending on the process.

High -quality Oolong tea usually has a clear and bright color with a typical peach or pear flavor.

Also Read: Can you take medicine with tea water? This is the explanation

The following are the benefits of Oolong tea for health

1. Improve intestinal health

Research shows that black, green, and oolong tea can increase the growth of good bacteria in the human intestine.

Balanced intestinal microbiomas are very important for a strong immune system. Therefore, consumption of Oolong tea can help maintain intestinal health.

2. Reducing inflammation

Oolong tea contains a unique compound called Theasinensins, a type of polyphenol of tea that has strong antioxidant properties. This compound is known to have an anti-inflammatory effect and helps to keep blood sugar levels balanced.

Oolong tea can be used to lose weight.Freepik Oolong tea can be used to lose weight.

Although further research is still needed, this benefit makes Oolong tea a good choice for health.

3. Helps relaxation and reduce stress

Oolong tea contains l-theanine amino acids, which are known to increase relaxation, reduce tension, and increase calm.

The combination of L-theanine and caffeine is also proven to support concentration, memory, and reduce distraction.

Also read: 8 Types of Chinese Herbal Tea for Body Health and Mind

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