KOMPAS.com – Wedang Uwuh is a traditional drink typical of the region originating from Yogyakarta, widely used as souvenirs in dry packaging.
You can make your own wedang at home with dry wood material, sugar rock, ginger, cinnamon leaves, dry clove leaves, dried nutmeg leaves, and cloves.
Wedang uwuh is suitable as a fasting drink, especially when the weather is raining and cold air, enough to warm the body.
Check out the following wedang uwuh recipe, quoted from the book “Severe Drink of Taste Election” (2019) by Kristiyani Puspitarti, the Applied Competency of the Synergy of Pustaka CV.
Also read:
- 40 gram dried secang wood
- Rock sugar or 50 gram sugar
- Ginger 6 cm
- 2 sheets of dry cinnamon leaves
- 3 pieces of dry clove leaves
- Dry nutmeg leaves 3 sheets
- Clove 10 grains or dry clove stems
- 700 ml water
Also read:
- Wash the ginger, grilled, then make it.
- Cook the water in the pan. Add the ginger, cloves or clove stems, clove leaves, cinnamon leaves, nutmeg leaves, sacking wood shavings, and rock sugar.
- Cook over medium heat until boiling. Lift and strain.
- Pour in a serving glass. Enjoy wedang uwuh while warm.