How to choose a sweet and quality dragon fruit – Dragon fruit is one of the fruits that is refreshing and suitable for consumption when breaking the fast.

Besides being enjoyed directly, dragon fruit is also often used as a mixture of fruit ice or fruit soup. In fact, this fruit can be a healthy natural dyes without the need for additional syrup.

However, not everyone knows how to choose sweet and quality dragon fruit, so it tastes bad.

Also read: 7 Recipes for Red Dragon Fruit, Juice to Pudding

Tips for Buying Dragon Fruit

To get the best dragon fruit, here are some tips that you can apply:

1. Choose a local dragon fruit

Most imported dragon fruit is picked before cooked and has been stored and transported for a long time, usually about 40 days before reaching the supermarket shelf.

Instead, choose dragon fruit from the local market because it is usually fresher and has superior quality.

2. Choose the bright and evenly distributed one

Cooking and sweet dragon fruit usually has a bright and evenly bright skin color, be it pink, red, or yellow.

Avoid fruit with dull or fade because it can be too ripe or has low quality.

Also read: 7 Recipes for Red Dragon Fruit, Juice to Pudding

3. tight, but not hard

Dragon fruit skin must feel tight but not too hard. Press slowly with your fingers.

Perfect ripe fruit will put a little pressure without feeling too soft or soft. If it is too soft, most likely the fruit is too ripe.

4. No bruises, mushrooms, and soft points

Illustration Is the Dragon Fruit High Sugar?PEXELS/ANY LANE Illustration Is the Dragon Fruit High Sugar?

Good dragon fruit should be free from bruises, fungi, or soft dots on the skin. Large defects in fruit can be a sign of poor quality.

5. The scales are evenly distributed

Dragon fruit has leaves or thorns in the form of scales on its surface. Choose a fruit that has scales with an equitable and well -defined distance, because this can be a sign that the fruit is in good condition.

6. Choose the size as needed

The size of the dragon fruit does not always determine the taste or quality. Some smaller varieties can actually have a sweeter taste. Adjust the choice of dragon fruit size with your needs and tastes.

Also read: Dragon Milk Dragon Fruit Recipe, Serve with Vla Vanilla

7. The aroma is soft and sweet

Some varieties of dragon fruit emits a soft and sweet aroma when cooked. Although the aroma is not always a major factor in choosing dragon fruit, you can still use it as an indicator of maturity.

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