Avoid consumption of these 5 fruits during the fasting month so as not to smell bad


Having high acid levels and sugar content makes the consumption of some of these fruits can cause bad breath. Limit consumption at dawn or iftar.

Bad breath is very annoying, especially when undergoing fasting. Bad breath is not only caused by an incorrect toothbrush, but also an inappropriate diet.

Consumption of some fruits can be called bad breath. This is because the acid levels and sugar content are quite high.


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These two things are a place for bacteria that cause bad breath to breed. Usually on the teeth or to the body’s digestive system.

Quoted from MSN (22/02/25) here are 5 fruits that cause bad breath:

1. Citrus fruit

mix of fresh citrus fruitsCitrus fruit has high acid levels. Photo: Thinkstock

Citrus fruit like orange and lemon can cause bad breath. Citrus fruit contains many vitamin C and antioxidants, but has high acid levels.

Foods with high acid levels create an ideal environment for bacteria to multiply in the mouth.

In addition, citrus fruit can also cause acid reflux in some people. This condition also triggers the aroma of not fresh in the mouth. To overcome this, rinse the mouth with water to neutralize its acidity.

2. Banana

Banana is a fruit that is rich in protein and potassium and if consumed at dawn can provide a long -lasting feeling. However, in addition, bananas can cause bad breath.

This happens because of the high sugar content in bananas, thus feeding bacteria that cause bad breath. When the bacteria breaks down sugar, they will release foul -smelling gas.

Bananas also have a dense texture that can stick to the teeth, which further triggers the growth of bacteria if not cleaned properly.

Fruit that can cause bad breath is in the next page.

Check out the video “VIDEO: Free meal menu during Ramadan is different, more durable food
[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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