Not Just Pasta, Now Cheesecake Also Uses Truffles: Okezone Lifestyle

Unique Truffle Cheesecake Dish (Photo: MPI/ Wiwie) A NUMBER…

Take a peek at the menu prices at Raffi Ahmad and Kaesang’s eating places, Semangkok meatballs reach IDR 55 thousand – Not long ago, Raffi Ahmad and Kaesang Pangarep opened a culinary business entitled RANS Nusantara Besar on Jalan BSD Raya Pusat, Tangerang Regency, Banten. It…

The Uniqueness of Coffee in Indonesia Starts from Residents’ Gardens

Jakarta – Coffee in Indonesia is recognized as having a unique taste. It turns out that this privilege actually starts from the residents’ pages. With its rich…

Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Strengthens the Culinary Industry Through FoodStartup Indonesia

loading… Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Angela Tanoesoedibjo is trying to strengthen the culinary industry through FoodStartup Indonesia. This is a program developed by the…

The freshness of Palu Butung’s legendary Ijo Banana Ice, Surabaya

Surabaya (ANTARA) – The hot weather in Surabaya is indeed the right atmosphere to refresh yourself by enjoying fresh snacks such as Ijo Pisang Ice. One of…

Here’s How to Reduce Sugar Content in White Rice

Jakarta – Rice is the favorite source of carbohydrates for Indonesians. However, it is now starting to be avoided because the sugar content in white rice is…

Dizzy when you wake up in the morning after a feast of processed beef, tongseng and satay, a sign of high cholesterol?, Jakarta – Eid al-Adha is synonymous with delicious processed beef and mutton, such as satay and tongseng. However, for some people, the morning after the sacrificial…

Solo Ndeso Pecel Recipe, Serve with Brown Rice – Ndeso pecel is widely sold on the roadsides of Solo, Central Java. Just like pecel in general, this food is wrapped in banana leaves. Uniquely,…

Benefits of Papaya Leaves, Starting from Anticancer to Hair Growth

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — For the majority of Indonesian people, one of the benefits papaya leaves the most frequently used is to tenderize goat meat before cooking….

Get to know Compound Space, a place for culinary lovers to hang out with a new concept

Get to know Compound Space, a place for culinary lovers to hang out with a new concept