5 Breakfast Habits to Maintain Healthy Blood Sugar Levels
Jakarta – Following a pattern eat healthy is key in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels as well. Try following these 5 breakfast habits for those of you…

7 Ways to Make Soft and Odorless Goat Satay, Get to Know the Recipe and Seasonings
Simple Spiced Goat Satay Recipe Ingredients: – 500 grams of goat meat – 1 teaspoon coriander – 2 candlenuts – 6 red onions – 6 cloves of…

Shrimp Recipe in Spicy Sour Sauce, Side Dish Ideas for Lunch
KOMPAS.com – Shrimp is a side dish that is easy to prepare and the cooking process doesn’t take long. One idea for preparing shrimp is spicy and…

Popular South Korean actor Lee Jong Suk likes Indonesian fried rice and fried noodles
Popular South Korean actor Lee Jong Suk likes Indonesian fried rice and fried noodles

The development of Indonesian coffee is extraordinary
Jakarta – This coffee expert from America calls the development of coffee in Indonesia interesting. He also gave tips for those who want to open a different…

Eid al-Adha Meat Rendang Recipe, Here are Tips for Making Meat Tender Quickly – Page all
TRIBUNNEWS.COM – The following is a recipe for meat rendang for Eid al-Adha, see tips for making the meat tender quickly. Soon, Muslims will celebrate Eid al-Adha…

Bye Pot Belly! Check out these 7 Breakfast Habits from Experts
Jakarta – A bloated stomach can be overcome with a proper diet. At breakfast, try following the 9 habits outlined by this nutritionist. The benefits can make…

3 Recipes for Meat Satay, Red Spices or Using Coconut
User created recipes @angelinehosen This requires the following ingredients: 300 grams of hash meat, cut into small cubes 1-1.5 cm 1/2 grated coconut (half young, medium size)…

Moringa Leaf Omelet Recipe for a Healthy Breakfast
KOMPAS.com – Moringa leaf omelet is a variation of processed eggs that is simple but full of nutritional benefits. The combination of duck eggs and Moringa leaves…

Mr Oppenheimer Atomic Bomb Likes Fried Rice, Here Are 5 Delicious Nasgor Stalls in Jogja, Explosively Delicious!
SuaraJogja.id – Duarrr! Robert J. Oppenheimer turns out to be a fan of fried rice. This was revealed in a note on the Atomic Heritage Foundation (AHF)…