Are wheat bread more healthy?


There are many types bread which is sold in the market. There are white white bread, wheat bread and source. Which is healthier?

White bread is often an option when breakfast. Indonesians also often make bread a snack when hungry, before actually eating rice.

But bread, especially white ones, is often prohibited from consumption for people who have diabetes or obese. Bread with carbohydrate content can trigger disease.


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Charlotte -based diet expert, North Carolina, Natalie Mokari claimed to be sad because many of her clients should not eat bread. In fact, the composition of the bread can be a delicious source of seeds.

Heap of Various Bread on Wooden BackgroundWheat bread is often considered the healthiest type of bread. Photo: Getty Images/Istockphoto/Pineapple Studio

“I see many clients who think they can’t eat bread, which makes me sad because bread is a good source of seeds,” he was quoted as saying by CNN.

Is it true that the healthiest wheat bread?

The definition of healthy bread is not only fixated on wheat bread. Actually there are many factors that need to be considered.

For example what kind of you buy, what you eat with the bread and how balanced the nutritional content.

In fact, a diet expert based in Washington, DC said that a person’s health also determines the healthy quality or failure of the bread eaten.

For those who are worried about intestinal health or who want to feel the taste of white bread without worrying, he suggested trying the type of source.

Sourdough is a type bread which is fermented naturally. The process can help intestinal microbiomas, and if what is owned is truly fermented Sourdough, you might be able to digest gluten more easily.

Outside the type of bread, Mokari recommends to see how to make it. Look for simple ingredients, such as flour, water, salt, and yeast. Especially because it is easy to insert sugar and sodium levels that are higher into bread products.

If you want more fiber intake, seeds are the best way. To avoid misleading labels, check the list of ingredients – the first word must be “intact” or whole grain if it’s really wheat bread.

Sliced ​​Bread with Butter and Jelly on Wooden Cutting Board. Simple Breakfast Plate.Adding healthy fats and protein, it is important to complete the nutrition of bread. Photo: Getty Images/Istockphoto/Dropstock

Add healthy fat and protein to bread

Rarely people just eat bread, so it is important to think of nutrients from the whole food. If you are worried about blood sugar, bread can be a part of a balanced food. Especially if you add healthy fat and protein.

Carbohydrates such as those in bread can provide fast energy that will be destroyed if eaten alone. But adding protein and fat is also quite good to try.

“Whether it’s wheat or white bread, I encourage people to always consume protein and fat,” Mokari added.

For example, if you make breakfast, try pairing toast with eggs, avocados, or peanut butter.

Any type bread healthy? Read more here.


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