Anti -thirst! 5 This drink helps the body stay hydrated during fasting


Fasting all day can make the body lose a lot of fluids. Therefore, it is important to consume drinks that can maintain body hydration throughout the day, like these 5 drinks.

Ramadan fasting involves someone more than 12 hours without eating or drinking. Therefore, the body can be dehydrated due to loss of fluids, but cannot fill it back because of fasting.

Under these conditions, it is important for the body to have a healthy diet and lifestyle. One important aspect is to ensure the body is hydrated throughout the day.


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Dr. Aftab Ahmed, a senior consultant at Apollo Hospital, Seconderabad, recommended healthy drinks that can be consumed during the month of Ramadan. In addition to offering healthy nutrition, this choice of drinks can also keep the body hydrated throughout the day.

Launch (06/04/2024), following the drink recommendations:

1. Coconut water

Illustration of young coconut waterThe high electrolyte content and other minerals in coconut water can help the body hydrated. Photo: Getty Images/Istockphoto/Pitchypix

This natural drink is rich in electrolytes that can replenish the liquid and minerals that are lost during fasting. Because the electrolyte content in coconut water is more than water.

Drinking coconut water can hydrate the body, low calories, and provide other important nutrients, such as potassium and magnesium.

Research called the Only My Health site also examines the content of carbohydrates and coconut water electrolytes. They revealed that coconut water shows an excellent rehydration index and blood glucose response.

Coconut water is safe for most people if taken within reasonable limits. However, you should not be consumed by pregnant and breastfeeding women, people with high blood pressure, postoperatively, or suffer from kidney disease.

2. Watermelon juice

Watermelon juice illustrationThe high water content in watermelon juice is also the choice of the right hydration drink. Photo: Getty Images/Monchersie

Another option that is no less refreshing is watermelon juice. Inside there are high water content and mineral content up to 90%.

According to data uploaded by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), watermelon is a fruit with high water content, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are the right choice to eliminate thirst and re -refill nutrition.

In addition to water and minerals, in watermelon juice there is also a carbohydrate content consisting of food fiber. The content makes drinking watermelon juice can increase energy or increase stamina.

Recommendations for other beverages that are able to hydrate can be read on the next page!

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