5 fruits that must be avoided when breaking the fast, can trigger health problems!


Fruits can be an option for breaking the fast. The nutritional content, especially glucose and fructosis, help the body restore energy after holding eating and drinking for dozens of hours.

The right fruit selection to break the fast can even provide health benefits according to IPB University Nutrition expert Prof. Katrin Roosita, reported by the IPB University page. Such as watermelons, melons, and papaya which contain high water content, vitamins, and minerals that help refill body fluids and meet daily nutritional needs.

Conversely, the wrong choice of fruit for the iftar menu is at risk of causing a number of health problems such as gastric irritation and significant surge in blood sugar levels. So, what are the fruits that must be avoided when breaking the fast?


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Fruit that must be avoided when breaking the fast

Acid fruits such as lime should not be consumed when breaking the fast. Likewise with jackfruit, durian, to canned fruit. The following explanation:

1. Lime

limeLime illustration Photo: Getty Images/500px/Vitalina Rybakova

Lime, lemon, orange, and other citrus include very acidic fruits. Its high acidity can affect gastric acid fluid, especially in an empty stomach after a day of fasting.

“You can eat all kinds of fruits that are not acidic and sepet because later our stomach can be acidic can make sick,” said Professor of Nutrition Science IPB University Prof. Hardinsyah, MS, quoting AFP records.

The acid content can also erode tooth emails if lime is consumed in large quantities so that it triggers cavities.

2. Jackfruit

Quoted from Healthyme, jackfruit contains fructan which is difficult to digest the body so that it can cause flatulence.

During the digestion of carbohydrates in the intestine or called the fermentation process, the gas will be produced so that the stomach will feel like. Too much gas in the body also results in digestion not smooth.

3. Durian

Durian seedsDurian Illustration Photo: Getty Images/Istockphoto/Gulnara Dautova

High sugar in durian can increase the surge in blood sugar levels. The alcohol content in durian also causes gas that can interfere with digestion such as constipation and flatulence.

The more ripe or older durian, the natural alcohol content is increasingly high. Excessive consumption of this fruit triggers dizziness.

4. Acid mango

Acidic mangoes can also irritate the stomach. Therefore, you should choose sweet mangoes.

“Mango may not be sour, because later our stomach can be acidic can make pain,” said Prof. Hardin.

5. canned fruit

Canned fruitIllustration of Canned Fruit Photo: Getty Images/Istockphoto/Etienne Voss

The nutritional content in canned fruit is not equivalent to fresh fruit. Because the recitation process can reduce certain nutritional levels such as vitamin C, quoting the health site.

The canned fruit is generally given syrup that contains very high sugar additional sugar. Too much consuming additional sugar levels increases the risk of a number of diseases, including heart disease and liver disease.

The cans used can also contain high bisphenol A (BPA). Too often exposed to these compounds can endanger health.

“Any important fruits are not cans or fruits given various kinds,” added Prof. Hardin.


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