Iftar by drinking tea or coffee, which one is healthier?


After holding thirst and hungry all day, when breaking the fast it feels like to enjoy all the food and drinks. What about the consumption of tea and coffee?

Tea and coffee are 2 types of drinks that are commonly consumed every day. However, when undergoing fasting does drinking tea and coffee remain safe for health?

Breaking the fast with the sweet one is the sunnah of the Prophet. The most appropriate food consumed is dates and must be odd.


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What if breaking the fast by drinking sweet tea? Actually, there are some assumptions about drinking tea when breaking the fast. Some recommend or not.

Reporting from Namastea (4/30/2022), tea is safe for consumption when breaking the fast. The nutritional content is considered to provide benefits.

Ladies! Consumption of these 5 tea to relieve pain during menstruationTeh Photo: Getty Images/Istockphoto/Peopleimages

When the body is dehydrated during fasting, hot tea will help add fluids to the body. Tea also helps the body digest food easily.

According to Unilever Food Solutions Arabia, tea is also the choice of breaking fast drinks, because the taste is light and refreshing for many people after breaking the fast.

There are also some people who think that drinking tea after breaking the fast is not recommended. The reason is, tea includes sweet drinks that must be avoided when fasting.

Coffee is also a drink that should be avoided when breaking the fast. Because, coffee is not good for consumption when the stomach is still empty, especially those who have digestive health problems.

Note! This is the effect of caffeine coffee on the body according to blood typeCoffee Photo: Illustration of Getty Images/1001nights

Types of sweet coffee concoctions, such as ice coffee milk are also not good for consumption when breaking the fast. The high sugar will add to the calories that enter the body, not recommended if you are on a diet.

So, what drinks are best consumed when breaking the fast? Water is the best choice, consuming an amount that is quite helpful in maintaining body fluids.

Another drink that is also safe for consumption when breaking the fast is coconut water. Coconut water contains high electrolytes, so that it can immediately replace the fluids and body ions that are reduced during fasting.


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