Rhubarb surprised Pressure Test Masterchef Indonesia 12, what is that?

Kompas.com – Pressure Test Masterchef Indonesia Season 12, Sunday (3/16/2025) was shocked by the Rhubarb food that they had to cook.

In fact, most of the participants did not know what material was when it had just been opened from the box.

What is Rhubarb?

Rhubarb is a plant that grows more and is used in Europe and East Asia. Although botany is included in the category of vegetables, rhubarb rods that are thick flesh are often processed like fruit.

This plant has a short rhizome consisting of roots, stems, and leaves. However, only the stems can be consumed.

Also read: Can Rhubarb Eat Eating and How does it feel?

Meanwhile, the roots and leaves contain oxalic acid which is toxic to the body. Therefore, Rhubarb is usually sold in the form of stems without leaves attached.

Characteristics and taste of rhubarb

Rhubarb rod has a thick, crispy, and dense texture. The color of the stem varies between pink to green, with a quite striking difference.

Rhubarb Green has a sour taste similar to lemon, while red rhubarb is sharper and slightly sweeter.

When cooked with sugar, Rhubarb still has a sour taste that resembles green apples and celery. Some people also associate the taste with strawberries, because these two ingredients are often combined in various dishes.

The sweet taste of strawberries helps balance the acidity of Rhubarb, thus producing a unique and delicious combination of taste.

Also read: Knowing Rhubarb Plants: Functions and Tips for Choosing

How to process rhubarb

Processing Rhubarb is quite easy. The stem only needs to be washed clean and cut according to taste.

Rhubarb can be boiled for 8-10 minutes or baked for 15 minutes, as recommended by BBC Good Food.

Rhubarb, a pink stem plant that is often processed into jam or the contents of the pie. Shutterstock/karepastock Rhubarb, a pink stem plant that is often processed into jam or the contents of the pie.

Rhubarb is often used as material for jam or pi stuffing because of its distinctive taste. Because of its very acidic nature, rhubarb is usually cooked with lots of sugar to balance the taste.

In addition, Rhubarb can also be added to savory dishes, especially those using fatty animal protein such as ducks and meat.

Also Read: What Is Arborio Rice? The ingredients that are used up on MasterChef Season 12

Interestingly, the rhubarb rod can also be eaten raw, even though the sour taste is strong enough for some people.

Therefore, Rhubarb is more commonly consumed after cooking and combined with other ingredients to produce a more harmonious taste.

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