6 fruits mentioned in the Koran have great benefits


The Koran includes several names of plants and fruit because of its specialty. These fruits and plants are also scientifically proven to be healthy when consumed. What are the benefits like?

Generally, the plants mentioned in the Koran produce fruit that can be consumed. Interestingly, most of these plants can be planted around the house.

The following seven plants are mentioned in the Koran and are beneficial for the body:

1. Pomegranate

Sliced ​​pomegranate on cutting board with knife and whole pomegranate behind. Shot with shallow focus on sliced ​​fruit.Pomegranate Photo: Getty Images/Pjohnson1

Pomegranates become one of the fruits that are quite often mentioned in the Koran. This red fruit is mentioned in the Koran three times, namely in the Al-An’am verse 99 and 141 and the Ar-Rahman verse 68.


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“He is the one who makes plants that are creeping and non-vines, date palm trees, diverse plants, similar olives and pomegranates (their shape and color) and are not similar (taste).

Pomegranate is known to contain many minerals and nutrients needed by the body, namely protein, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamin C, vitamin B complex, folate, vitamin E, and vitamin K. In addition, pomegranates also contain polyphenols that are rich in antioxidants.

The fruit that is part of the berry group is useful for preventing heart disease, cancer, arthritis, and suppressing bad cholesterol levels.

2. Dates

Drink coffee accompanied by eating datesPhoto Dates: Getty Images/Istockphoto

Dates are also a fruit mentioned in the Koran. Dates are identical to the month of Ramadan because it is presented as takjil to break the fast. In fact, dates are often consumed by the Prophet Muhammad as an herbal medicine and endurance.

Dates are mentioned several times in the Koran, as in Surah Al-An’am verse 99, Ar-Rad verse 4, An-Nahl verse 67, and Maryam verse 25.
“And from dates and grapes, you make intoxicating drinks and good fortune. Really, in that way there really is a sign (the greatness of God) for those who understand,” God’s Word in the letter An-Nahl verse 67.

Dates contain iron which can prevent anemia. Young dates are also good for women consumed because they contain B vitamins which can strengthen the uterine joints. In addition, dates also contain minerals, such as phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and magnesium which are useful for maintaining health and bone strength.

3. Banana trees

Banana trees are also one of the plants listed in the Koran, namely Surah Al-Waqiah verse 29.

Banana trees or Musa Paradisiaca produce bananas that are considered as a paradise tree. This filling fruit is also known as philosopher because when consumed, bananas can reactivate the mind and stimulate a person’s memory.

Check out the video “Cake dates recipe with toffee sauce
[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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