Kompas.com – Milk is often combined with a variety of foods to increase nutritional value and taste. However, not all foods are suitable for consumption with milk.
Some combinations of food with milk can actually cause indigestion, bloating, to allergic reactions.
Mistakes in mixing certain foods with milk can make it difficult for the body to digest it.
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According to the page The Wellness Corner And Healthshotssome foods such as fish, bananas, and sour fruit should not be consumed together with milk.
This is related to the body’s pH balance and the digestive process.
So, what are the foods that should not be consumed with milk? Check out the following list.

1. Fish and milk
Reported from The Wellness Corner And Healthshotsfish and milk have the opposite effect in the body. Fish have hot properties, while milk is cold.
According to the Ayurveda principle, this combination can interfere with the digestive system and weaken immunity. In addition, the body needs different enzymes to digest fish and milk, so that it can trigger digestive disorders.
2. Banana and milk
According to Healthshotsmany people consider bananas and milk as a healthy combination, but it is not the case. Bananas and milk need a long time to digest and can cause fatigue and metabolic disorders.
This combination can also increase mucous production in the body, which is at risk of coughing coughing, colds, or allergies. If you still want to enjoy bananas and milk, add a little nutmeg powder to help digestion.

3. Yogurt, cheese, and milk
Reported from The Wellness Cornerfermented dairy products such as yogurt, cheese, and milk should not be consumed together. This is because fermentation in yogurt or cheese can cause an imbalance of digestion and slow down the body’s metabolism.
In addition, this combination can increase mucus production in the body, which is at risk of causing respiratory problems or digestive problems such as bloating.
4. Sn overing fruit and milk
According to Healthshots And Food NDTVsour fruit such as oranges, pineapple, and strawberries should not be mixed with milk.
Milk takes a long time to digest, while acid fruit can accelerate fermentation in the stomach.
As a result, this combination can cause flatulence, stomach acid rise, and indigestion.