Bacem tempe recipe without coconut water, still legit and spices soak – Bacem tempe without coconut water can be an alternative for those who want to enjoy baceman without additives. Usually, coconut water is used to give a natural sweet taste to bacem tempeh.

However, bacem tempe without coconut water can still be made with a savory and legit taste. The main spices such as brown sugar, galangal, and bay leaves will give a distinctive taste of baceman.

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The cooking process is also simple and does not require a lot of ingredients. Simply by boiling tempeh with the seasoning to soak, then fry it for a while before serving.

This article will discuss the recipe for bacem tempe without coconut water that remains delicious.

This recipe is adapted from books “Variations of daily menus without meat” Karya Sisca Soewitomo, published by Gramedia Pustaka Utama in 2008.

Bacem tempe recipe without coconut water

Bacem tempe material without coconut water

  • 300 grams of tempeh, cut according to taste
  • 10 small white tofu
  • 300 ml of ordinary water
  • 3 bay leaves
  • 2 galangal sheets, memor
  • 2 tablespoons of brown sugar, fine comb
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 tsp pepper powder
  • 50 ml of cooking oil
  • Complement
  • Cayenne pepper according to taste
  1. Cut tempe and tofu with the same size.
  2. Add tempeh, tofu, water, bay leaves, galangal, brown sugar, salt, and pepper into the pan.
  3. Cook over low heat until the water shrinks and the spices seep into the tempeh.
  4. Add cooking oil, then fry tempeh and tofu until browned.
  5. Serve warm with cayenne pepper as a complement.

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