This is the impact of drinking sweet tea when breaking the fast, can make BB rise!


Sweet tea is a mainstay drink of many people to break the fast, both the ice version or warmth. This one drink can release thirst, especially the sweet taste of the sugar it contains helps to restore energy to the body after a day of fasting.

Simply by brewing tea in hot water and then added sugar, this drink is very easy to make. Mixed ice cubes will be more refreshing. Even so, sweet tea has side effects when consumed constantly to break the fast. What’s that?

The effect of drinking sweet tea when breaking the fast

Starting from the risk of gaining weight to interfere with the absorption of iron is an impact that will be felt if you drink sweet tea during the time of breaking the fast. According to the expert description as contained in the news of AFP, the following explanation:


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1. Weight gain

Instead of losing weight during Ramadan, it will increase if you constantly drink sweet tea when breaking the fast. Especially if continued eating other sweet dishes with an uncontrolled amount.

This is because sugar content contains high calories so the risk of adding weight when consumed sustainably in excessive amounts, even after fasting throughout the day.

It’s okay to drink sweet tea to break the fast, but in a reasonable amount. A lot of consumption of sweet foods and drinks is also often associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes and tooth decay.

2. Sore throat

Sweet iced tea that is drunk as a fasting fast is vulnerable to making strep throat. Dry throat after a day of fasting is very easy to experience inflammation and cause coughing when the cold drink was first gripped to break the fast.

It is recommended that warm sweet tea as the initial menu of breaking the fast so that the body is not surprised. Because the body and throat need to adapt first after fasting all day.

Drinking iced tea to break the fast is okay but it’s good to give a pause to prevent the risk of inflammation. Can be started by drinking a glass of water or warm tea then give a distance of about 10-30 minutes to consume cold drinks.

3. Gastric acid rises

Tea contains caffeine so it is not suitable for drinking by people with ulcers or GERD. Caffeine can increase stomach acid levels.

It is recommended to break the fast with water or juice for those who are sensitive to caffeine. Also avoid drinks with high acid levels that are given lemon juice or lime as the initial menu of breaking the fast because it can worsen the symptoms.

4. Disturb the absorption of iron

Drinking tea when breaking the fast can also interfere with the absorption of iron by the body. Because tannins in tea can bind iron to food that is eaten together. This compound can also interfere with the absorption of other minerals such as zinc and calcium.

Foods that should give enough nutrition after the body fasting all day, instead the mineral content will not be absorbed because it is consumed with sweet tea.

Drinking sweet tea is able to overcome thirst and restore energy after fasting all day. But it is worth remembering, sweet tea must be consumed sufficiently and accompanied by other foods that are rich in nutrients. Including the adequacy of drinking water to prevent dehydration.


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