KOMPAS.com – Nestle Milo Energy Chocolate Milk Drink Products launched the “Check Check Label” educational campaign, which invites parents to be more careful in choosing products that will be consumed by children and families every day.
In order to ensure that the nutritional intake of children and families is fulfilled, especially at dawn and breaking the fast during the month of Ramadan.
“We want to educate the public to be more aware in choosing products that are consumed daily. By understanding the label and product composition, parents can ensure that children get the right nutritional intake to support their activities,” said Business Executive Officer Beverages & Culinary Dairy Business Unit of PT Nestlé Indonesia Alaa Shaaban in official broadcasts that Kompas.com received on Thursday (6/3/2025).
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Through this campaign, it is expected to increase consumer awareness and habits to read packaging labels, and understand that the first order in the composition is the most content in the product.

“The main content of Milo, such as malt extract (Barli) as a source of energy, original cow’s milk as a source of protein and calcium, as well as original cocoa that gives a delicious taste of the children’s favorite children, can help children remain active and energized throughout the day, especially when performing fasting in Ramadan,” he said.
Therefore, he added, a cup of Milo can be a warm and delicious companion at dawn, because it helps provide sustainable energy to remain strong fasting.
President Director of PT Nestlé Indonesia Samer Chedid said that food became increasingly important as a source of strength, energy, and togetherness in the month of Ramadan.
“In Nestlé, we believe in the potential of food to improve the quality of life of each individual, at this time and future generations. This is what also encourages Nestlé Milo to continue to be committed to being a trusted companion for Indonesian families by providing nutritious energy,” said Samer.
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Outside the month of Ramadan, breakfast is needed to store energy reserves for the next five to seven hours. Whereas when fasting, dawn is needed to store power reserves for the next 14 hours.
Therefore, the eaten meal menu plays an important role in providing the energy needed.
So parents are encouraged to ensure children and families get adequate nutritional intake. This can be done by providing foods that contain complex carbohydrates, protein, healthy fats and foods that contain fiber so that they can remain energized throughout the day.
Meanwhile, a nutritionist Dr. Dr. Lucy Widasari, M. Si said, besides drinking enough water at dawn, parents can also provide a companion drink that has good content to be able to help provide additional energy for children and families.
Seeing the composition listed on the packaging label, Lucy assessed that Milo has the nutritional content needed by children and families to remain active and energy when fasting.
Among these are the content: malt (barli), calcium, iron, and a combination of vitamins B2, B3, B6 and B12.
“I appreciate Nestlé Milo’s initiative by presenting a ‘check check label’ campaign to educate parents to be more thorough and smart in choosing good food and drinks for the family,” Lucy said.
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