Jakarta –
Sweet foods are often considered to be the main enemy for health. In fact Sweet food also has benefits while consumed is not excessive.
Sugar, desserts and sweet foods are often considered a dish that needs to be shunned because it is not healthy for the body. Side effects of sugar and sweet taste are considered too dangerous for health.
One of the most consumed and popular sweet food menus is chocolate. It turns out that even though it is considered a bad food, some types of sweet foods have good benefits.
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Chocolate and other sweet foods can be physically healthy until a person’s mentality with the condition that is consumed appropriately and not excessive. So that I’m not mistaken, consider the benefits of sweet food according to experts.
Here are 5 benefits of sweet food consumed not excessive according to Cnet (11/3):
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1. Give nutrition
Sweet foods are often associated with high carbohydrate levels and calories. In fact, carbohydrates and calories are still needed by the body to become fuel producing energy.
One sweet food that is said to be rich in nutrients is chocolate. This news is certainly a breath of fresh air for chocolate lovers who claimed to have never been separated from sweet and legit chocolate.
Chocolate contains several important minerals such as fiber, iron, magnesium to antioxidants. Not a few sweet foods like chocolate which adds fruit pieces so that it complements its nutrients.
2. Reduce blood pressure
Dark chocolate which is legit has a real benefit to maintain cardiovascular and circulatory cycle. Chocolate contains flavanol that is formed naturally in cocoa plants.
Flavanol can help the production of nitrogen monoxide in blood vessels. This component can relax blood flow and help smooth circulation.
A study once observed 1,297 participants who were cocoa with flavan-3-OLS levels. After the data was analyzed, the result was that they experienced a decrease in diastolic and blood pressure in the arteries.
The benefits of eating Sweet food The other exactly is on the next page.
Check out the video “Unique! Easter egg chocolate with the theme of exercise ahead of the Paris Olympiad“
[Gambas:Video 20detik]