KOMPAS.com – Eating foods that satisfy hunger can help control calorie consumption.
Besides it helps not to snack much carelessly, can add a lot of calories.
Eating foods that make a full longer stomach are also useful when entering the fasting month, because they have to hold back not eating and drinking for approximately 13 hours.
Check out some of these healthy foods can make your stomach full longer, suitable for consumption at dawn, quoted from Medical News Today.
Also read: This Food Makes Fast Thirst, Avoid During Ramadan Fasting
1. Potatoes
Boiled or roast potatoes can make full longer, because potatoes are very dense starch, vitamin C, and some healthy nutrients.
One 2013 study published in the Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism gave participants of four different side dishes from white bread as a reference food.
They find food made from potatoes effectively reducing appetite, relative to other side dishes.
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2. Beans
Beans are very nutritious including foods such as beans, lentils, peas, peanuts, or kidney beans.
Beans are also a source of carbohydrates that are slowly digested with high protein and fiber content.
Beans are good foods to compensate for hunger, and make a longer full taste.
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3. Foods with high fiber content
Fiber is an important food component, has many functions, such as helping to control blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Fiber also helps to feel full.
Foods are high in fiber, including foods containing wheat, vegetables such as carrots, beets, fruits such as bananas or oranges.
4. Low fat milk products
Consumption of low -fat milk products can increase fullness and reduce food intake in the short term.
For example, one study in the Appetite journal found that Greek Yogurt High protein is effective in compensating for hunger, increasing feeling full, and reducing further consumption.
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5. Eggs
Eggs are a very good source of protein, vitamins, and minerals. Eggs also have a beneficial effect to reduce hunger and extend the feeling of fullness.
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6. Fat meat and fish
Both meat and fish are high in protein and low in saturated fat. Diet containing high -level protein can effectively control appetite and increase weight loss.