These are 5 Benefits of Coffee for Men, Libido and Erection Strengthening


Coffee also has many health benefits for men. Coffee can also increase sexual arousal and stamina in men.

Coffee is classified as the most popular drink. Can provide energy encouragement to focus in the morning, as long as the coffee is drunk according to the recommended recommendations.

In addition to men, coffee has many health benefits that are a pity to miss. Coffee turned out to be able to boost sexual arousal, improve brain function, to gout.


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Reporting from Coffee in Former (10/03), here are five benefits of healthy coffee for men.

Also read: Rasulullah SAW Encourage drinking coffee, this is the sound of his prayers! ”

1. Strengthening an erection

These fathers 5 benefits of coffee that make male sex drive increaseThese fathers 5 benefits of coffee that make male sex drive increase photos: getty images/istockphoto/dusanpetkovic

Caffeine contained in coffee can provide properties to male sexual life. Such as overcoming the problem of erectile dysfunction or failure to maintain an erection during intercourse.

This was once discussed by a study uploaded in the journal Plos One. In the study it was estimated that 1 in 10 adult men had erectile dysfunction.

The study found that men over 20 years old who drink 2 to 3 cups of coffee a day tend to be avoided from erectile dysfunction.

Caffeine in coffee helps the blood flow more smoothly to the penis. That way, men will be more durable when having sex.

2. Natural Viagra

Viagra is a drug that is useful for dealing with erectile dysfunction in adult men. And coffee has properties that are said to be similar to drugs like Viagra.

This is based on research conducted at the Texas University Health Center (Houston). According to researchers, coffee contains caffeine and nitrate oxide which is also widely mixed for stimulants.

Furthermore, researchers also say that caffeine has the power to stimulate some pharmacological effects to the genital part, the main sex area. And that makes the blood vessels in the sex organs become more relaxed.

3. Controlling uric acid

Signs of uric acidGout Photo: Getty Images/Istockphoto/Boyloso

Uric acid or gout is a disease of arthritis that occurs due to a buildup of gout crystals. This gout can occur in any joints including toes, knees to ankles.

Uric acid is mostly experienced by men in old age. According to a study of coffee, showing that drinking coffee as recommended every day plays an important role to reduce the risk of gout.

Check out the video “Reza Rahadian turns out to be a coffee lover, this is his favorite
[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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