Fierce recipe for chicken and innards, delicious side dishes for dawn – Chicken can be cooked into a typical cuisine of Central Java, which is a fierce chicken.

Fierce chicken tamarind is made from spices onion, coriander, galangal, green chili, cayenne pepper, bay leaves, starfruit vegetables and coconut milk.

Fierce chicken tamarind using boneless breast meat, then add chicken liver and chicken gizzard.

Check out the following fierce chicken recipe, quoted from the book “50 Recipe for Pepes Creations” (2020) by Indriani published by PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Also read:


  • 2 pieces of boneless chicken breast, cut into pieces
  • 3 hearts of chicken, boil, cut into pieces
  • 3 chicken gizzard, boiled, cut into pieces
  • 6 vegetable starfruit, sliced ​​round
  • 300 ml of coconut milk
  • Banana leaves for wrapping

Ground spices:

  • 6 shallots
  • 1 tablespoon coriander, roast
  • 1 Galangal finger segment
  • Salt to taste

Other seasonings:

  • 4 pieces of green chili, sliced ​​round
  • 6 cayenne pepper
  • 2 bay leaves

Also read:

  1. Mix coconut milk with all seasonings, add pieces of chicken, liver, gizzard, and vegetable starfruit slices. mix well.
  2. Place it in a heat -resistant container that is given a banana leaf base. Steam until cooked for about 40 minutes. Lift.

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