KOMPAS.com – Pecel sauce is a peanut sauce that we often encounter in the form of brewing.
You can make pecel sauce at home made with peanut ingredients, cayenne pepper, red chili, kencur, garlic, orange leaves, tamarind, and brown sugar.
This pecel sambal can also be used as a satai seasoning and a ready -to -use seasoning supply, store in the refrigerator.
Quoted from the book “Sambal Kacang” (2024) by Dimas Rahardian AM, Tanalyna Hasna, Bara Yudhistira published by Alra Media.
Also read:
- 250 grams of peanuts (or about 3 handfuls)
- 5 cayenne pepper
- 2 red chili
- 1 teaspoon kencur chopped
- 3 cloves of garlic
- 3 pieces of kaffir lime leaves
- tamarind
- 250 – 300 ml of boiled water
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon sugar
- 25 grams of brown sugar
- vinegar and shrimp paste
Also read:
- Roasting or fried peanuts, then chopped roughly.
- Sauteed red chili, cayenne, kencur, garlic, and orange leaves (plus shrimp paste if you want it).
- Drain the seasoning, then add enough tamarind liquid.
- Blend with beans, sugar, and salt.
- Pour warm boiled water.
- If you want a little vinegar, add vinegar according to taste.