Why not drink coffee during Ramadan fasting?

Kompas.com – Drinking coffee during the month of Ramadan is a debate in the community.

Some still enjoy coffee at dawn and breaking the fast, while others choose to avoid it.

However, there are several strong reasons why you should not consume coffee during fasting. Here are some of the main reasons to note:

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1. Coffee can cause dehydration

Coffee has diuretic properties, which means it can increase urine production and make a person urinating more often.

“Avoid coffee. Because diuretic coffee, makes urinating more often and can pose a risk of dehydration,” said a community nutritionist from Dr. Tan & Remanlay Institute, Tan Shot Yen, reported from Kompas.com (3/13/2024).

When consumed at dawn, this effect can accelerate the loss of fluids in the body. In fact, during fasting, the body does not get fluid intake until the time to break the fast arrives.

This condition increases the risk of dehydration that can have an impact on stamina and body health during fasting.

2. Interfere with sleep time

For those who consume coffee when breaking the fast, the side effects that may occur are sleep disorders. Coffee contains caffeine which can increase alertness and make a person stay awake longer.

Also Read: Is Good Consumption of Fruit When Breaking Fasting?

If taken too close to sleep, this can cause insomnia or difficulty sleeping. In fact, getting a break is quite important so that the body remains fit during fasting.

3. Risk of causing digestive problems

Caffeine in coffee can stimulate the production of stomach acid. If taken when the stomach is still empty, such as when breaking the fast without adequate companion food, this can trigger digestive problems, such as pain in the stomach or ulcer.

Therefore, it is strongly recommended not to consume coffee right when breaking the fast so that the digestive system is not disturbed.

4. Interrupting the balance of blood sugar

Coffee drunk on an empty stomach can affect blood sugar levels. After a day of fasting, the body needs nutritious food to gradually restore energy.

Illustration Is drinking black coffee good for health?PEXELS/Márcio Carvalho Illustration Is drinking black coffee good for health?

If you immediately consume coffee without enough food, blood sugar levels can fluctuate unstable, which can have an impact on overall body conditions.

The best time to drink coffee during Ramadan fasting

If you still want to enjoy coffee during the month of Ramadan, there are several safer ways to consume it:

  • Drinking coffee two hours after breaking the fast so that the body has time to digest food first.
  • Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration due to the effects of diuretics from coffee.
  • Limit coffee intake and choose coffee without caffeine to reduce the negative impact on sleep quality and general health.

By paying attention to the impact caused, you should reduce or even avoid consumption of coffee when fasting.

Also read: During Ramadan, Transjakarta passengers may break the fast on the bus

Choosing a healthier diet and drink will help the body stay fit and fasting runs smoothly.

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