At dawn, it is important to choose the right food intake so as not to quickly get weak and thirsty. Also avoid consumption of the following types of food so that fasting is more comfortable.
Sahur is an important meal during Ramadan. Not only to fill energy physically, but also a practice that invites blessings.
As explained in a hadith, from Anas bin Malik Ra, the Prophet Muhammad said,
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تَسَحَّرُوا فَإِنَّ فِي السُّحُورِ بَرَكَةً
Meaning: “Eat your meal because in fact there is a blessing in the meal.” (HR Bukhari)
In choosing food at dawn, it’s good to pay attention to the nutritional content. Do not be mistaken because it can cause side effects, such as easily weak and hungry quickly.
Avoid the list of the worst foods for the following meal:
1. Foods High Salt
Foods high in salt or salty are delicious to eat, but should be avoided at dawn. The consumption does not only increase blood pressure, but also makes you thirsty quickly during fasting, as revealed by the site Masnad Health Clinic (4/3/2025).
Foods high in salt are not only home -based foods that are added a lot of salt, but also instant noodles, processed foods such as potato chips, nuggets, pizza, and many others.
Try to reduce salt in food and compare food nutritional information packaged to see which contains less salt. Make sure the sodium content is 120 mg or less per 100 grams.
2. Foods High fat
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Fat is needed by the body, but the type of fat that is unhealthy especially in large quantities, is not recommended. Avoid fried foods and other foods that are naturally high in fat such as butter, cheese, and processed meat.
Consumption of high fat foods can cause heartburn, worsen the reflux of stomach acid and inflammation, and increase calorie intake. This last cause is what makes your weight might gain during Ramadan.
Avoiding high -fat foods can also benefit heart health. It is better to switch to healthy sources of fat, such as olive oil, avocados, as well as sources of omega 3 and omega 6 such as fish and nuts.
3. Sweet food
Various fruit ice, compote, to sweet cakes are often eaten at dawn or iftar. Consumption of this type of food can make you feel very weak, even only interval 1-2 hours after dawn.
Because this sweet food contains simple sugar that releases energy very quickly and in a short time. Sweet foods also quickly increase blood sugar levels that cause large amounts of insulin release, making you feel tired.
Also avoid other sweet food sources, such as processed cereals, bread, rice, and pasta because these foods contain simple and low fiber sugar which makes you hungry quickly.
4. Sweet drink
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Not only sweet foods, be aware of consumption of sweet drinks at dawn. For example packaged fruit juice, packaged yogurt, soda drinks, or energy drinks that might attract tastes.
The high sugar content in sweet drinks can make an increase in blood sugar levels in a short time. As a result you get hungry quickly even though you have eaten enough at dawn.
More in the next page.