7 diet tips during the fasting month so that the weight loss in maximum


The fasting month can be the right moment for diet. Fasting from dawn to sunset helps efforts to lose weight if coupled with this diet tips.

Fasting in the month of Ramadan will facilitate diet because it does not eat food for more than 12 hours. However, on the other hand, the diet during the fasting month also has its own challenges because many temptations that come after breaking the fast.

To make a diet successful, there are some diet tips that can be done during the fasting month. Starting from reducing calorie consumption to drinking enough water.


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Here are 7 diet tips during the fasting month:

1. Reduce calorie consumption

Calculating food calories turned out to be more effective in lowering BB than fastingReduce calories to help you lose weight. Photo: Istock Illustration

Weight losing diet key is to reduce calorie intake. You can reduce the intake of 300-500 calories per day to lose weight in the fasting month.

Calories can be reduced by reducing food portions when opening and dawn and not consuming snacks. Weight losing diet key is to reduce calorie intake. You can reduce the intake of 300-500 calories per day to lose weight in the fasting month.

2. Make sure the nutritional intake is met

Although calories are reduced, make sure the nutritional intake is still fulfilled properly. During the diet in the fasting month the body still needs adequate and balanced nutritional nutrition.

Make sure the nutrients of carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals are fulfilled during the fasting month even though the calories are reduced. Choose foods that are high in nutrition and low in calories. As well as multiply foods that contain fiber and protein such as vegetables, fruits, fish, tofu, and tempeh.

3. Avoid processed foods

5 processed foods recommended by nutritionists for consumptionAvoid processed foods. Photo: Getty Images/Istockphoto/Agrobacter

Avoid eating processed foods such as fast food because it contains high sugar, salt, and fat. These foods are low in nutrition and also high calories which can increase body weight. We recommend that you consume healthy food at dawn and break the fast.

Diet tips during Ramadan on the next page.

Check out the video “The study of low -fat diet is more effective than keto
[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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