5 Ways to Clean Oily Plastic Food Containers, Back Like New

KOMPAS.com – The rest of the oil attached to the plastic food container is not easy to clean.

Compared to ceramic or glass, oil is easier to stick to plastic materials so it takes extra way to clean it.

You can use kitchen ingredients to clean oil stains in cooking utensils or plastic cutlery.

Also read: Dangers of Using Plastic Teaps for Cooking Hot Water

Reported from The kitche, Check out the five ways to clean the oily plastic food containers to return to the following rough.

1. Wash the plastic container with vinegar

Mix water with vinegar. Use one tablespoon of vinegar per one glass of water, pour into a plastic container and let it dissolve for one to two hours. After that, clean the plastic container, rinse, then drain.

However, you need to continue this method with other methods. Because, vinegar only eliminates the smell of oil from the container, does not clean the remaining oil stains.

2. Wash with warm water and kitchen tissue

If it is not enough with a vinegar solution, use a few drops of liquid dish washing soap, warm water, and kitchen tissue to clean oily plastic containers. Place the kitchen tissue in the point of the stain container, drop the dish soap and warm water.

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Shake the container strong for one minute. Oil stains and smells will disappear after the plastic container is rinsed thoroughly.

3. Use sugar and ice cubes

Pour a quarter glass of sugar into an oily plastic container, then drop the dish soap, a few tablespoons of warm water, and ice cubes.

Let the ice cubes melt about an hour, then rub the remaining sugar at the bottom of the container and rinse using warm water. While rubbing, the remaining oil stains in the plastic container will decay.

Also read: How to Save Powder Coffee To Stay Fresh, Avoid Plastic Containers

Although successfully cleaning oily plastic containers, this method requires more power than other methods.

4. Use baking soda

Mix two tablespoons of baking soda at the bottom of an oily plastic container, then add warm water slowly to form a rather runny paste.

Illustration of baking soda or baking sodaPexels/Karolina Grabowska Illustration of baking soda or baking soda

Apply baking soda paste to all parts of the plastic container affected by oil, let stand for 30 minutes.

After that, the baking soda paste cloth with a damp cloth and rinse the container using dish soap and warm water.

Also read: Reasons for not using plastic containers into the microwave

5. Clean with hand sanitizer

Pour hand sanitizer To the plastic container affected by the stain, then let stand. Continue to wipe clean and wash containers using soap and water.

It takes about 45 minutes to wait for the reaction hand sanitizer against oil stains in plastic containers.

Also read: Can Used Plastic Clips Use Re -Used?

You can continue by wiping the container using a kitchen tissue to lift the remaining stains.

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