When Stomach Acid Rises, Consume These 7 Foods and Drinks


Sufferer stomach acid usually feel pain in the stomach when it recurs. There are several foods and drinks that are good for stomach acid consumption.

GERD or stomach acid is a disease that attacks the digestive tract of a person’s body. When stomach acid is rising, pain is felt in the area around the stomach which is preceded by symptoms of a burning sensation in the chest and throat.

When you feel symptoms stomach acid increases, do not consume foods that actually make the condition worse. It is best to consume foods and drinks that can relieve symptoms.



Launching Medicine Net (3/3/2022), there are several foods and drinks that can be consumed to cure stomach acid. These include oatmeal, vegetable milk, and non-citrus fruit.

Also read: 9 foods that trigger stomach acid, delicious but need to be avoided

Here are 7 foods and drinks that can cure stomach acid:

1. Oatmeal

How to Enjoy OatmealOatmeal Photo: Getty Images/iStockphoto

One of the foods that can cure stomach acid must contain high fiber. Because the fiber content can improve digestive health.

Foods that contain high fiber come from whole grains. This food can be found in oatmeal, bread and brown rice. You can consume it regularly to prevent stomach acid from recurring.

Apart from its benefits for digestion, foods rich in fiber also help you feel full longer. This also helps you not overdo it when consuming food.

2. Ginger

Ginger is a spice commonly used for natural medicine because it contains gingerol. This spice has a slightly spicy taste and a warm sensation.

It also contains many natural anti-inflammatory substances that help cure stomach acid. Usually this ginger is mixed into a drink when stomach aches and digestive disorders.

3. Lean Meat

chicken breastchicken breast Photo: iStock

People with stomach acid should also pay attention to meat consumption. It’s best to choose meat that is lower in fat.

Low-fat meat such as chicken and certain types of fish can help reduce stomach acid symptoms. Low-fat vegetable proteins such as tofu and tempeh are also good to consume.

Also Read: 5 Healthy Breakfast Menus for Stomach Acid Sufferers

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