KOMPAS.com – The preparation of the first meal in Ramadan you can make practical side dishes like the Vegetable Chicken Nugget.
Vegetable chicken nuggets are made with chicken breast fillets, sago flour, cheese, eggs, spinach leaves, carrots, garlic, pepper, candlenut, nutmeg, and salt.
Vegetable chicken nuggets can be stored in the refrigerator, then just fry it if you want to eat.
Check out the following Vegetable Chicken Nugget Recipe, quoted from the book “Practical & Delicious Daily Menu” (2023) by Yuni Pradata & Raninta Ika Ariestya.
Also read:
- 500 grams of chicken breast fillets, fine chopped
- 1 tablespoon sago farmer flour
- 3 chicken eggs
- 100 grams of grated cheese
- 50 grams of spinach leaves, steamed, puree
- 50 grams of carrots, steamed, puree
- Cooking oil
Softened seasoning:
- 3 cloves of garlic
- 1/2 tsp fine pepper
- 2 hazelnut, grilled
- 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg powder
- 1/4 tsp salt
Complementary material:
- 1 chicken egg, shake off
- 400 grams of panir flour Breadcrumbs)
Also read:
- Mix all ingredients and spices until smooth.
- Pour the mixture into a heat -resistant dish that has been smeared with vegetable oil.
- Steam the dough for 20 minutes until cooked. Leave it cool, then cut according to taste.
- Dip the nugget mixture one by one into the beaten egg. Roll it to the panir flour while pressing a little so that the bread flour is attached. Do it until all the nugget mixture is wrapped in panir flour. Save it inside freezer, at least for three hours.
- Fry the nugget until cooked or yellow packaged. Remove, drain and serve.