UNGARAN, KOMPAS.com – Located on the outskirts of Rawa Pening, Asinan Village, Bawen District, Semarang Regency has potential that is no less than other tourist areas.
Apart from having a typical panorama of Rawa Pening, namely a row of mountains ready to welcome visitors and a lake with all its richness, Asinan Village also has culinary delights that other areas don’t have. Among them is cetul krispi.
“This cetul or small fish is native to Rawa Pening. In other areas there are also cetul, but the one here is different and has its own characteristics,” said Jayadi, Head of the Mina Karya 2 Processing and Marketing Group (Poklasar), Friday (24/1/ 2025).
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He continued, cetul fish is processed into crispy cetul and ready to eat. This preparation is safe for children because it has no spines, tastes delicious, and can be chewed directly.
Apart from being marketed through souvenir shops around Rawa Pening, cetul krispi is also regularly taken by traders from Brebes and other areas in the North Pantura.
“They said they had taken it or bought it in other areas, but the most popular was Rawa Pening cetul. There was also interest from Japan, but we couldn’t afford it,” he explained.
The price per kilogram of cetul krispi is IDR 60,000. However, when fishermen have difficulty finding it, the price can reach IDR 75,000.
“This is because cetul cannot be stocked or stored because instead tighten and getting smaller. “The most difficult is August-September, when the water in the swamp recedes,” said Jayadi.
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Apart from processing cetul, Poklasar Mina Karya 2 also produces shrimp peyek, fried mujaer, fried catfish, fried catfish and salted eggs.
“Every day it produces, because there are traders from Temanggung and Pringapus (Semarang Regency) who buy here,” he said.
Rawa Pening typical genjer crackers
Dwi Triastuti did something different. He processes genjer which is often found in Rawa Pening into crackers.
“This is also popular and has lots of buyers. The manufacturing process is the same as other crackers,” he said.
Genjer is coarsely ground and then mixed with other seasoned ingredients. Then it is dried in the sun until dry and then cooked by frying.
Apart from genjer crackers, Dwi also makes trasi crackers, genjer, slondok and dice crackers. “Buyers can choose ready-made crackers or ready-to-fry ones,” he said.
Secretary of Asinan Village, Wahyu Kusumadewi, said that culinary delights are one of the assets that the Asinan Village Government continues to develop to attract tourists.