These 5 Herbal Teas are Effective in Overcoming Stomach Bloating


Many people often experience flatulence. There’s no need to be confused about how to deal with it, because you can help by drinking these 5 types of herbal tea.

Even though flatulence is normal, this condition often makes the body uncomfortable.

Flatulence appears due to a buildup of gas in the stomach. Often the root of the problem is caused by improper diet or perhaps drinking and eating something that makes the stomach more vulnerable. Flatulence can also be a sign of unbalanced bacteria in the intestines.



If you experience problems with flatulence, don’t worry. Because, a number of herbal teas have been proven to be able to treat this condition.

Launching Nutratea (23/06/2024), here are 5 types of herbal tea that are effective in treating flatulence problems:

1. Peppermint tea

Peppermint tea can be used to treat a bloated stomach.Drinking peppermint tea is said to relieve flatulence because of the compounds in peppermint. Photo: Getty Images/iStockphoto

Peppermint tea contains a number of nutrients, ranging from vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, folic acid, to flavonoids. These ingredients make this tea beneficial for health, including treating digestive problems.

Research mentioned by the Healthline website found that compounds in peppermint can inhibit the activity of immune cells in the intestine, which causes bloating.

The research also shows that peppermint can soothe the intestines and relieve bloating and the pain that accompanies it.

2. Ginger tea

5 Benefits of Ginger Tea Mixed with Cloves for Lowering WeightDrinking ginger tea is also a solution to treat flatulence. Photo: Getty Images/Prasenjit Kar

Ginger has long been famous for its benefits. One of the most famous properties is overcoming digestive problems.

Drinking ginger tea can treat dyspepsia, which is a syndrome or group of symptoms that arise due to digestive disorders, such as flatulence, heartburn, and so on.

Drinking ginger tea can speed up the stomach emptying process and can relieve symptoms of flatulence or bloating, which usually arise due to stomach acid or an irregular digestive process.

The parasol and gingerol content in ginger can also fight bacteria that cause digestive tract infections.

Recommendations for other herbal teas that can overcome bloating problems can be seen on the next page!

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