These 5 Drinks Affect Blood Sugar Levels, Be Careful of Their Consumption


Not just food, but sufferers diabetes You also can’t consume just any drink. For this reason, it is important for them to recognize the right and wrong drinks to consume.

Apart from food, drinks also affect blood sugar spikes in the body. Moreover, if the drink consumed contains high levels of sugar. Therefore, it is very important for diabetes sufferers to choose their food and drinks appropriately.

Generally, diabetes sufferers are advised to consume foods that have a low glycemic index. There are several drinks that are recommended for consumption to maintain blood sugar levels in the body while hydrating, low in sugar, even sugar-free. However, there are also drinks that should be avoided to avoid spikes in blood sugar.



Summarizing (26/02/2020), here are 5 drink choices that diabetes sufferers should choose and avoid.

1. Water

Here are 7 Times to Drink Water and the Right Dosage According to NutritionistsWater is the safest drink that a person can consume. That’s because water is a neutral drink that has many health benefits. Photo: Getty Images/iStockphoto/fizkes

There is no doubt that water is a healthy drink choice for the body. This is because water is classified as neutral. In other words, water does not increase or decrease blood sugar.

Water is also a drink that provides hydration assistance to the body. While hydrating the body, water can regulate blood sugar.

If you want your body’s blood sugar to stay maintained, you should drink enough water. Drink eight 230 ml glasses of water per day or the equivalent of a total of 2 liters of water.

2. Don’t drink soda and tea with sugar

5 Healthy Ways to Make Homemade Iced Tea TastierMaybe sweet iced tea and soda are tempting, but drinks with sugar can be dangerous and can increase the risk of diabetes. Photo: Getty Images

Consuming sugary drinks too often can damage the body in various ways. One of them increases the risk diabetes.

A study published in December 2016 in The Journal of Nutrition found that middle-aged adults who drank more than three sugary drinks per week had a 46 percent higher risk of developing prediabetes than those who drank no sugary drinks.

According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), sweet drinks that contain sugar will be absorbed into the bloodstream too quickly. This condition triggers a spike in blood sugar levels. This sweet drink will also affect carbohydrate intake.

Watch Video “ Nutritionist Gives Rules for Daily Sugar Consumption to Prevent Diabetes
[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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