5 Facts about Water, How Much Do You Need Per Day?
Jakarta – Consuming enough water every day is very important for health. Simple yet essential, it is the body’s main source of hydration. The reason is, water…

Drinking plastic bottled mineral water can be dangerous, here’s why
Jakarta – Many people consume mineral water in plastic bottles. However, scientists reveal that there are dangerous risks from drinking this type of water. Not a few…

Which is better, canned, bottled or boxed coconut water?
Jakarta – Apart from pure coconut water, there are also many packaged coconut water drinks on the market, such as bottled, canned or paper boxed coconut water….

Is drinking water before bed good or does it disrupt sleep quality?
KOMPAS.com – We all know that hydration is key to a well-functioning body. However, does the timing of drinking water affect your health, especially before bed? Advantages…

8 Benefits of Drinking Ginger Water Regularly, Can Lower Cholesterol
Jakarta – Ginger is a spice that is commonly used as a kitchen spice. Apart from being used for cooking, ginger is also often processed into a…

Healthy Benefits of Regularly Drinking Warm Lemon Water on an Empty Stomach
Jakarta – Drinking water is generally consumed in the morning on an empty stomach. However, warm lemon water could be an alternative. Apart from being refreshing, it…

Latest Research! People Don’t Need to Drink Too Much Water
Jakarta – To keep your body healthy and hydrated, you need to drink lots of water regularly. But it turns out this is not entirely true. Since…

Can Water Expire?
KOMPAS.com – Water is a basic human need, but have you ever paid attention to the expiration date printed on bottled water packaging? This may make you…

How to Differentiate Ice Cubes from Raw and Boiled Water, Don’t Get Sick After New Year
KOMPAS.com – Celebrating New Year is usually enjoyed with cold drinks with ice cubes. However, did you know that you need to pay careful attention to the…

4 Best Times to Drink Coconut Water to Get Anti-Grease and a Healthy Body
Jakarta – Drinking coconut water helps the body stay healthy and prevents weight gain, besides being refreshing. So, detikers have nothing to lose if they like drinking…