These 5 Healthy Tips to Eat Instant Noodles During the Fasting Month

Jakarta – Instant noodles often finished menu Sahur and breaking the fast practical. Before consuming it, pay attention to some of these tips so that the instant…

Tips to store beef and sheep in the correct and durable refrigerator

Denpasar – Cooking beef and sheep becomes delicious dishes usually done during Eid al -Fitr. However, some mothers usually store the remaining beef and sheep in the…

5 Tips for breaking the fast without a surge of blood sugar, fasting healthier!

Jakarta – When breaking the fast there are ways and rules so that blood sugar does not surge. Applying some of these tips will make breaking the…

Lisa Blackpink -style diet tips that always appear full of energy

Jakarta – Lisa Blackpink diet tips attract the attention of many people, especially fans. Actually, what kind of rapper and dancer ways to keep their weight ideal?…

4 tips for drinking coffee that is healthy for the body during the month of Ramadan

Jakarta – Stop drinking coffee Very difficult for some people. In order to keep drinking coffee safely during fasting, there are some tips that can be imitated….

7 tips for diet during Ramadan, weight guaranteed down!

Jakarta – Ramadan or the fasting month is the long-awaited time for Muslims around the world. Besides being able to compete in reward, Ramadan is also a…

3 Tips to Find Halal Restaurants in Hong Kong from Chef Yuda Bustara – The culinary taste of Hong Kong and Indonesia is not much different. It’s just that, specifically Muslim tourists, must ensure the halal food before buying…

4 tips for ordering fast food when diet so BB doesn’t go up

Jakarta – During the diet, many people cannot resist the temptation of fast food or fast food. If you can’t confine the intention, try these 4 tips…

7 tips for eating to take care of heart health during the fasting month

Jakarta – Heart health needs to be considered during fasting. Pay attention to diet, such as consumption of drinking lots of water and avoid caffeine. Fasting during…

Tips for eating to stay fit during Ramadan, BB bonus down

Jakarta – During Ramadan, there are various healthy eating tips that can be followed so that the body remains fit. The bonus can also help attempt to…