Recipe for Putu Mayang Bijau, Ramadan Takjil Ideas for Selling – When looking for takjil ideas for selling, you can try this Putu Mayang Biined recipe. One recipe can produce about 15 pieces of Putu Mayang….

Aroma banana recipe for takjil selling ideas – Banana aroma of sweet street snacks legit, wrapped in spring roll skin and containing chocolate and cheddar cheese. Aroma bananas are made with salted butter,…

How to make grass jelly iced tea for takjil selling ideas – If you are bored with the same iced tea, you can create with grass jelly. Fresh iced tea is suitable to be combined with grass…

3 Tips for Choosing Quality Food Ingredients for Selling, Suitable for MSME – How to ensure the quality of food ingredients can be seen from the composition, expiration date, to BPOM and Halal MUI certification. These three things…

Marble steamed brownie recipe for takjil selling ideas – Brownies One of the favorite cakes that are suitable served with tea or coffee, you can make marble steamed brownies. Marble steamed brownies with ingredients…

Cimol recipe for takjil selling ideas – Cimol is a typical Sundanese street snack made from starch or sago flour. Cimol is made with sago flour, eggs, leeks, pepper, salt, water, and…

Shrimp Bakwan Recipe for Selling Takjil Iftar – If you have shrimp at home, it can be processed into crispy shrimp bakwan. Bakwan shrimp are made with bean sprouts, carrots, shrimp, flour, celery,…

Home -style corndog recipe, can be used for selling – Corndog is one of the contemporary snacks that is often found in the market. Basically this snack is made from sausages wrapped in the dough,…

Recipe for kolang kaling seaweed ice, takjil idea for selling – Selling takjil during Ramadan can be a promising business opportunity. One of the interesting takjil ideas is trying to try seaweed kolang kolang. The combination…

5 Tips for Making Mixed Ice for Selling Takjil Iftar – Mixed ice one of the favorite desserts to be used as iftar takjil. Mixed ice generally consists of jackfruit, grass jelly, cendol dawet, jackfruit, fro,…