If consumed routinely 5 of these foods can prevent kidney damage
Jakarta – Eating patterns are very influential on kidney health. Choose foods that are rich in antioxidants because they can prevent kidney damage. Kidney is one of…

Routine 5 healthy foods can prevent prostate cancer
Jakarta – Threat prostate cancer The greater for adult men. In order to minimize the risk there are some delicious foods that can be consumed regularly. Take…

5 Herbal Drinks to Prevent Flatulence When I Break Fasting
Jakarta – Flatulence is often experienced after breaking the fast. As a solution, try consuming this herbal drink when breaking the fast. Fasting makes the body experience…

5 This drink helps launch a chapter and prevent constipation
Jakarta – Constipation often annoying. Based on expert research, there are five drinks that are suitable for launching defecation and prevent constipation. When digestion is not good,…

Young coconut water can prevent dehydration during fasting, okay when you drink?
Young coconut water can prevent dehydration during fasting, okay when you drink?

These 5 Delicious Foods and Drinks can prevent bad breath
These 5 Delicious Foods and Drinks can prevent bad breath 0 comments SHARE The link has been copied

World Obesity Day, here are 5 eating patterns to prevent overweight
World Obesity Day, here are 5 eating patterns to prevent overweight 0 comments SHARE The link has been copied

10 effective foods to prevent wrinkles, let’s take regular consumption!
10 effective foods to prevent wrinkles, let’s take regular consumption! 0 comments SHARE The link has been copied

Rich in nutrition! This is 8 superfood in the kitchen to prevent disease
Rich in nutrition! This is 8 superfood in the kitchen to prevent disease 0 comments SHARE The link has been copied

Ways of Japanese Nutrition Experts Prevent Food Waste at Lunch at School
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – The Japanese government, through nutritionists in schools, prepares various methods to introduce food education to students. Starting from food nutritional education, cleaning standards, how…