Palembang Sultanate Threatens to Curse Willie Salim if you don’t want to go through the Reditual Ritual Ritual – The Pages of All
TRIBUNNEWS.COM – Willie Salim’s content cooked rendang at Benteng Kuto Besak (BKB) Palembang, now has a long tail. All could not be separated when the immature rendang…

Viral Content Willie Salim Cook Rendang in Palembang, Richard Lee: Lack of Preparation – All Pages
TRIBUNNEWS.COM – The name of the creator content of Willie Salim is now in the public spotlight. Recently, Willie Salim Cook Rendang’s content in Palembang was viral…

Rendang Culinary Business Secrets Can Still Monger In the Middle of Pandemi – All Pages
TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – Pandemi Covid-19 has an impact on many sectors including culinary businesses. To be able to survive in the Pandemic period, the culinary business requires…

Chef Arnold joined the sarcastic content of rendang missing Willie Salim: Yes Trusting – Pages of All
TRIBUNNEWS.COM – Chef Arnold Poernomo joined the voice related to the incident of the disappearance of 200 kg of rendang meat owned by Willie Salim. It is…

Japanese media closes 2020 with articles about rendang indonesia – all pages
Report on Correspondent Tribunnews.com, Richard Susilo from Japan TRIBUNNEWS.COM, Tokyo – A famous media in Japan, ASCII displays writing about Indonesian ‘rendang’ food which in 2016 was…