How to Make Simple Scrambled Eggs for Breakfast and School Lunch – Scrambled eggs or scrambled eggs can be a simple choice for breakfast. The cooking time is not long. Only about five minutes, depending on the…

New School Year, 7 Simple School Lunch Menu Ideas that Children Like

New School Year, 7 Simple School Lunch Menu Ideas that Children Like

Shrimp Recipe in Spicy Sour Sauce, Side Dish Ideas for Lunch – Shrimp is a side dish that is easy to prepare and the cooking process doesn’t take long. One idea for preparing shrimp is spicy and…

Do you like drinking coffee after lunch? This is what the expert says

Jakarta – Some people like to drink coffee after lunch. Usually to freshen the throat and help increase enthusiasm during the day. However, is it safe? Coffee…

Green Chili Purple Eggplant Recipe, Savory Spicy Lunch Side Dish – Purple eggplant can not only be prepared with balado spices, but also cooked with green chilies. So that the color of the eggplant skin doesn’t…

3 Banana Satay Recipes to Complete Your Little One’s Lunch Menu, Jakarta – Tired of eating bananas just like that? Try making banana satay that is visually attractive, so it can be a complementary menu for your…