Lively Indonesian Culinary Diplomacy in Melbourne Australia, a variety of archipelago foods attract thousands of visitors, Jakarta – The Indonesian Culinary Association of Victoria (ICAV) in collaboration with the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (KJRI) in Melbourne held a 2025…

Consumption of 5 high -calorie foods is actually suggested by nutritionists

Jakarta – High calorie foods are often labeled bad for health. However, nutritionists actually suggest several types consumed because they can add nutritional value. Unwittingly high -calorie…

Besides dates, here are 8 Benefit Ramadan Sunnah Foods

Jakarta – When Ramadan is important to ensure the body gets nutritious intake. Some sunnah foods can be consumed. Not only dates, but there are also these…

List of Foods Rich in Vitamin K for Heart Health and Bone

Jakarta – Vitamin K is needed to maintain a healthy body, such as the heart and bone. Vitamin K can be obtained naturally through the following food…

4 of these foods have higher omega-3 fatty acids than salmon

Jakarta – Has a higher omega-3 fatty acid content than salmon, some of these foods are beneficial for the health of the heart brain. Salmon is known…

8 Favorite Nusantara Foods Indonesian National Team Players, Papeda also included! : Okezone Lifestyle

Favorite Nusantara Food Indonesian national team players make citizens curious. (Photo: ist/okezone) Favorite Nusantara Food Indonesian national team players make citizens curious. With so many naturalized national…

Routine consumption of 7 foods this makes the brain sharper

Jakarta – Increasing age, memory capacity is generally decreasing. But of course you don’t want to start senile at a young age. Memory itself is one of…

Be careful, these are 5 signs of excess body intake of fatty foods

Jakarta – Fatty foods are found in meat and animal side products, such as cheese and milk. There are several main signs that indicate that you consume…

5 Foods high fiber can keep cholesterol levels stable

Jakarta – High cholesterol levels can endanger health. Therefore, it is important to maintain cholesterol levels so that it is stable. One way to consume this high…

If consumed routinely 5 of these foods can prevent kidney damage

Jakarta – Eating patterns are very influential on kidney health. Choose foods that are rich in antioxidants because they can prevent kidney damage. Kidney is one of…