Lively Indonesian Culinary Diplomacy in Melbourne Australia, a variety of archipelago foods attract thousands of visitors
Liputan6.com, Jakarta – The Indonesian Culinary Association of Victoria (ICAV) in collaboration with the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (KJRI) in Melbourne held a 2025…

Consumption of 5 high -calorie foods is actually suggested by nutritionists
Jakarta – High calorie foods are often labeled bad for health. However, nutritionists actually suggest several types consumed because they can add nutritional value. Unwittingly high -calorie…

Besides dates, here are 8 Benefit Ramadan Sunnah Foods
Jakarta – When Ramadan is important to ensure the body gets nutritious intake. Some sunnah foods can be consumed. Not only dates, but there are also these…

4 of these foods have higher omega-3 fatty acids than salmon
Jakarta – Has a higher omega-3 fatty acid content than salmon, some of these foods are beneficial for the health of the heart brain. Salmon is known…

8 Favorite Nusantara Foods Indonesian National Team Players, Papeda also included! : Okezone Lifestyle
Favorite Nusantara Food Indonesian national team players make citizens curious. (Photo: ist/okezone) Favorite Nusantara Food Indonesian national team players make citizens curious. With so many naturalized national…

Routine consumption of 7 foods this makes the brain sharper
Jakarta – Increasing age, memory capacity is generally decreasing. But of course you don’t want to start senile at a young age. Memory itself is one of…

Be careful, these are 5 signs of excess body intake of fatty foods
Jakarta – Fatty foods are found in meat and animal side products, such as cheese and milk. There are several main signs that indicate that you consume…

5 Foods high fiber can keep cholesterol levels stable
Jakarta – High cholesterol levels can endanger health. Therefore, it is important to maintain cholesterol levels so that it is stable. One way to consume this high…

If consumed routinely 5 of these foods can prevent kidney damage
Jakarta – Eating patterns are very influential on kidney health. Choose foods that are rich in antioxidants because they can prevent kidney damage. Kidney is one of…