7 Diets to Control Diabetes During the Holiday Season, Come on, Take a Look!

Jakarta – During the holiday season, lust will be difficult to restrain. This can be dangerous for sufferers diabetes. Here are 7 tips for diabetes sufferers during…

These 5 Delicious Foods Often Make Diets Completely Fail

Jakarta – There are some delicious foods that are still believed to be safe for the diet. The fact is soda diet to abstain from consuming snack…

These 7 Diets from Cardiologists Can Treat Low Blood Pressure

Jakarta – Low blood pressure is also as dangerous as hypertension. Cardiologists recommend 7 diets to overcome low blood pressure naturally. Blood pressure must be maintained normally…

World HIV AIDS Day, Here are 5 Healthy Diets for Sufferers

Jakarta – Sufferer HIV AIDS You must maintain your diet so that your immune system does not decline. Starting from paying attention to the type of food…

You can try it! These 7 Diets Help Reduce Body Swelling

Jakarta – Fluid buildup in the body can cause swollen and fluid circulation disorders. This is the diet recommended by health experts to deflate it. Even though…

5 Diets for 2022 World Cup Players, Strictly Regulated and Nutritious

Jakarta – Match World Cup 2022 requires football players to take care of their bodies and health. It turns out this is the type of food they…

Mediterranean Diet, One of the Healthiest Diets in the World

KOMPAS.com – Mediterranean diet or Mediterranean Diethas long been recognized as one of the healthiest dietary approaches. This diet originates from countries around the Mediterranean Sea such…

These 7 World Celebrities Go on Extreme Diets to Look Slim

Jakarta – Maintaining your appearance is very important for world celebrities. For the sake of their ideal body, this series of celebrities live it diet extreme to…