Jakarta – Famous as a seed producer coffee best. Indonesia has variety coffee with a unique taste. However, world citizens do not necessarily agree with this. Why?
To be able to get that recognition coffee Indonesia has good quality and taste. Coffee beans must be audited by experts internationally.
“Sumatra Prestige Cup 2019” is a coffee bean hunting project to get the best coffee from Indonesian farmers. In this competition, participants must comply with all competition rules, cupping and protocol standards that have been created by the “Cup of Excellent” program.
Photo: Doc. detikFood
This competition will take place from 15 February to 15 March 2019 in Takengon, Central Aceh. “Takengon is currently the center for the best Indonesian Arabica producers. In Takengon and its surroundings there are two coffee seasons a year,” explained Syarifuddin, Chair of the Indonesian Specialty Coffee Association (SCAI) on Monday (11/02) at Trafique Coffee, Kebayoran Baru.
Also read: Here is Dogiyai, the Best Local Coffee Beans from Papua
It will be held in two cities. The first stage of the “Sumatra Prestige Cup 2019” will be held in Bandung, precisely at 5758 Coffee Lab. And the next stage until the final will take place in Takengon, Central Aceh.
“Currently you have received 41 of the best coffee beans,” said Michael Utama as Managing Coordinator of the 2019 Sumatra Prestige Cup.
Photo: iStock
The aim of holding this competition is so that Indonesian coffee not only gets a delicious label from its own country. But there is recognition from the world with the results of scores and cupping by international judges.
Syarifuddin added that from the selection of the best samples at the “Sumatra Prestige Cup 2019” the coffee would later be auctioned. Of the 41 samples, 24 will be selected and then selected to become 10 for the COE or Cup of Excellence which is planned to be held next November.
Starting from selecting coffee quality, warehouses, implementation and financial audit processes to exporting winning coffee beans, it is guaranteed to meet COE standards.
According to Adi Taroepratjeka, National Jury and Cupper Coordinator, by participating in COE it is hoped that Indonesian coffee will gain recognition from a group of sharp-tongued people so they can assess market demand and the quality of Indonesian coffee.
At the Cup of Excellence, all Indonesian coffee will be tested again. Coffee from Java, Bali, Flores, Toraja and Papua is already in harvest season. “So we will determine the best coffee in 2019,” explained Syafruddin.
Indonesia is the first country to take part in the selection that will carry out COE in Asia.
Photo: iStock
These best coffees will be judged by 12 national judges and 12 international judges from ACE (Alliance for Coffee Excellence, Inc). ACE has trained hundreds of cuppers over the years. ACE has also helped develop valuable skills for the local coffee sector.
Adi Taroepratjeka also added that this coffee competition and auction could attract the world’s leading coffee enthusiasts and buyers to Indonesia.
Also read: Congratulations! 23 Authentic Indonesian Coffees Win Awards in Paris