Sore throat? Relieve it by consuming these 5 delicious foods and drinks


Sore throat often makes eating uncomfortable due to difficulty swallowing. There are several foods that are good to consume to relieve pain.

Trigger sore throat It can be caused by germs and bacterial infections. There are also those caused by irritation from other diseases, such as stomach acid.

Sore throat also makes eating unappetizing. It hurts when swallowing, especially if the food is rather hard. Therefore, when you have a sore throat, you should eat foods that are soft and refreshing.



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Reporting from Live Strong (13/12), here are 5 foods and drinks that can relieve a sore throat:

1. Warm Soup

Foods to Relieve Sore ThroatFoods to Soothe a Sore Throat Photo: Getty Images/iStockphoto

Warm soup is delicious to eat when you have a sore throat. Dr. Sonya Chawla recommends eating warm soups.

“Hot soup is a good remedy for a sore throat. It not only soothes the throat, but also provides important hydration during illness,” says Dr. Chawla.

Dietitian Sydney Greene also suggests making soup with ingredients that taste light and soft. Like soup with a combination of chicken and vegetables. The soup must also be seasoned with various spices.

“Soups that contain garlic, shallots, ginger, and turmeric, because they have anti-inflation benefits,” explains Greene.

2. Frozen Food (Ice)

Foods to Relieve Sore ThroatFoods to Soothe a Sore Throat Photo: Getty Images/iStockphoto

Apart from hot or warm foods, cold foods can also relieve a sore throat. This was explained by Dr. Chawla, “Frozen (cold) foods like ice can help numb the throat while providing hydration.”

You can enjoy ice cream or popsicles when you have a sore throat. This is because the cold feeling of ice will relieve the pain or itching that is often felt when you have a sore throat.

If you enjoy fruit popsicles, it’s also healthier. Because the nutritional content of fruit can provide important nutrients, such as vitamin C.

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