Jakarta –
Chia Seeds is increasingly popular among nutritionists for breakfast. These small seeds are considered superfood because of their abundant nutritional content and extraordinary benefits for the body.
Lisa Moskovitz, a nutritionist and CEO of NY Nutrition Group, suggested adding this ingredient to the breakfast menu every morning. Breakfast is an important meal time to start the day with optimal energy.
Lisa explained that chia seeds are rich in fiber, magnesium, vitamin B, iron, and contain a little protein. Not only that, these seeds also contain omega-3 fatty acids which are important to maintain the health of the brain and heart, while helping to reduce inflammation in the body.
Chia Seeds is also known as a very good source of fiber. In one portion (about 2-3 tablespoons), you can get almost 10 grams of fiber, which is equivalent to one third of daily needs. This fiber helps launch digestion by softening and adding stool volume, making it a natural solution for those who experience constipation.
“Fiber has been proven to reduce the risk of various serious diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, and several types of cancer,” Lisa explained, as reported by Wolipop.
One of the advantages of Chia Seeds is its flexibility. You can easily add it to a variety of favorite breakfast menus. Here are some tips for enjoying the recommended chia seeds.
- Sprinkle on yogurt or oatmeal.
- Mix inside Smoothies or porridge.
- Use as a topping for avocado toast or eggs.
- Soak in almond milk, cow’s milk, or soy milk overnight to make practical chia pudding.
- Mix into drinking water or juice to become a refreshing fiber -rich drink.
Add chia seeds to the breakfast menu is a simple way to increase nutritional intake easily. As a rich ingredient in benefits, Chia Seeds helps the body get enough energy, maintain digestive health, and support a healthy lifestyle as a whole.
This article has been aired on Wolipop. Read more here!