Should Corn Be Boiled Before Grilling? This is the explanation – Grilled corn is a menu that is often present at various events, especially on New Year’s Eve.

Even though it looks simple, there are special tricks to make grilled corn taste better and cook perfectly.

Also read: How to grill corn so it’s delicious, first soak it in spices

One question that often arises is, does corn need to be boiled before grilling? The following is complete information, quoted from the page Food Network, What’s Cooking AmericaAnd Kompas.comMonday (1/3/2021).

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Illustration of boiling corn.PIXABAY/Jason Gillman Illustration of boiling corn.

For old corn, the boiling process is recommended. This is because old corn has a harder and slightly woody texture.

Boiling them for three to four minutes in boiling water with a little salt can help soften the seeds.

This process also makes the flavor of the rub more pervasive when the corn is grilled.

Also read:

Tips for grilling corn to make it delicious

Illustration of roasted corn.Shutterstock/Ika Rahma H Illustration of roasted corn.

Soak the corn in the spice paste

To maximize the taste of grilled corn, soak whole corn in seasoning for a minimum of 30 minutes and a maximum of eight hours before grilling

However, don’t soak it for too long because it can cause the corn kernels to lose their moisture.

Use medium heat

When grilling, use medium heat so that the corn cooks evenly and doesn’t burn. Turn the corn frequently to get the perfect level of doneness.

Check whether the corn is cooked

Ripe corn usually releases a sweet liquid and has a delicious aroma. Corn kernels will also look fuller and shinier.

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