TRIBUNNEWS.COM – YouTuber Bobon Santoso alluded to the big cooking content carried out by content creators, Willie Salim in Palembang, some time ago.
It is known, Willie Salim cooked rendang from one cow in an open event together with a number of Palembang people.
However, in the middle of the cooking process, the rendang of hundreds of kilograms was lost allegedly taken by residents in a moment when Willie Salim was in the toilet.
This incident was suddenly viral on social media to make a number of Palembang residents furious because they were insulted.
Even a number of people sent messages to Bobon Santoso and invited him to do something like Willie Salim.
The citizen, wanting to prove Palembang residents of morality and civilized. He suspected that the rendang content was lost Willie Salim was setting.
Responding to this, Bobon Santoso admitted that he had dissected and found irregularities in the video.
Bobon said, Rendang’s Lost Video Willie Salim had a reputation impact for the citizens of Palembang City.
“Actually we have dissected and found some irregularities in the video that had an impact on a reputation for the citizens of the city of Palembang,” Bobon wrote through his Instagram story.
Unfortunately, Bobon Santoso could not meet the request, because the large cooking schedule was already busy this month.
If there is still free time, Bobon wants to prove that if a big cooking event is well coordinated, there will be no assumptions like this.
Also read: Chronology of Rendang 1 Head of Willie Salim Cow was lost when cooked, the Mayor of Palembang apologized
“That’s how people are just intentions for content, not from the heart,” added Bobon.
He also requested that Palembang residents be patient with this incident.
Bobon also uploaded a video of the moments of the residents who were in line with his cooking dishes.
According to him, as busy as any, residents will not loot if no one instructs.
In another upload, Bobon also re -uploaded the tweet of Chef Arnold Poernomo who alluded to the matter of the right cooking event.
According to Chef Arnold, a big cooking event and sharing food is not easy.
Because it requires a team, planning time, what cooks, to regulate the distribution so as not to riot.
“So far, only Bobon can execute well and on time,” Write Chef Arnold.
Chronology of the Loss of Rendang Willie Salim
It is known, the incident of the loss of rendang cooked occurred when Willie Salim held a big cooking event in the Fort Kuto Besak (BKB) yard (BKB), Palembang, South Sumatra on Tuesday (3/18/2025).
Through his Instagram account, Willie Salim uploaded the process of making rendang ranging from pouring oil, seasoning, to hundreds of kilograms of beef into a giant skillet.
While around Willie Salim and the team, a number of residents who wanted to see were closer to the processing.
In the middle of the processing, Willie Salim said goodbye to the toilet. Unexpectedly, he actually got the news of the rendang that he cooked disappeared instantly!
Sure enough, when he returned to its cooking location, Willie Salim saw a giant skillet that was previously full of beef, now empty.
There was almost a single piece of rendang meat left. Willie Salim only saw the remnants of seasoning.
“Immediately suddenly the heat was transported,” reported a resident to Willie Salim.
The police officers who seemed to participate in guarding the event then gave an explanation to the creator.
He admitted, he had directed that residents did not take rendang because the stove was hot and rendang cooked was also not yet ripe.
“I have directed it, the person doesn’t want to hear,” said the police.
“I have forbidden, afraid that there will be anything. Do not let the children get hot sauce,” he added.
The police admitted that he had tried as much as possible when preventing the community. Even in just one minute, the rendang disappeared instantly.
“But Alhamdulillahwe have tried our best. Disappeared instantly. Not until one minute sold out. Ludes doesn’t know where, “he said.
“Ludes doesn’t know where. I don’t know who eats,” said a resident who was also at the location.
According to the police, residents were grateful for what Willie Salim gave.
“Yes, so they are grateful for what Willie loves,” said the police again.
“This is a lot, you know, hundreds of kilograms,” Willie said still in disbelief.
“Yes, everything is clean,” said the police.
Willie was still curious about how residents took rendang that was still cooked.
The police said, there were residents who took rendang using a plastic bag, bucket, dipper.
“But it hasn’t mate,” Willie said.
“This is extraordinary,” said the police who was later greeted with laughter.
Willie admitted, similar things had never happened in previous activities.
Meanwhile, other residents claimed they could not maintain the condition because there were so many people who wanted to take rendang.
According to him, residents were too enthusiastic until the immature rendang was taken.
“Yes, they accept what they are. Thousands of people earlier,” said residents in blue.
The latest, Willie Salim finally appeared and apologized through the video uploaded on his Instagram account.
“I apologize profusely for all Palembang residents who were hurt because of this viral rendang incident. Many narratives are unpleasant to Palembang residents,” said Willie Salim.
He said, this was not one of the residents of Palembang and admitted this was his fault because of the lack of preparation.
“Sorry because this is the first time I cook for that many people. And my shadow can open together with thousands of residents of Palembang City, it’s more than enough,” he said.
He asserted, there was no disappointment with the loss of rendang meat.
In fact, he was happy to see the enthusiasm of the residents, because in the end the rendang was cooked indeed to be distributed to residents.
“Honestly, I was just surprised to see the enthusiasm of the extraordinary citizens,” he said.
Willie said, this is a lesson for him. He also claimed, did not engineer the rendang meat that was invaded by the residents.
“I just didn’t expect that to happen and that was my stupidity. Please don’t blame the Palembang residents,” Willie said.
He said, if he cooks early with more mature and neat preparation, it will not happen.
“I apologize profusely,” he concluded.
Some of this article has been aired on with the title Breaking News: Willie Salim apologizes to Palembang residents, denies the meat content missing settings
( Juliati) (