Recipe for cassava without coconut milk, takjil friendly in the bag – Cassava compote recipe without coconut milk can be a iftar menu with relatively pocket -friendly prices. Half a kilogram of cassava not up to Rp 10,000.

You can add pieces of jackfruit or not. Please adjust to each taste.

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Other ingredients are brown sugar and grated coconut. Different from ordinary compote who uses coconut milk, you only need to prepare grated coconut as a sprinkling of compote.

Check out the cassava compote recipe from the book “100 Favorite compote recipes“(2010) by Alma Kitchen published by Gramedia Pustaka Utama below.

Cassava compote recipe


  • 1/2 kilogram of cassava
  • 4 jackfruit bananas
  • 100 grams of brown sugar comb
  • 1/2 grated coconut grains
  • 1 pandan leaf (concluded)
  • 1 teaspoon of salt

1. Clean cassava and bananas. Cut, then boil until cooked.

2. Mix grated coconut and salt into one. Steam until cooked. Lift.

3. Boil brown sugar and pandan leaves with a little water until the sugar dissolves and thickens. Lift and strain. Give cassava and bananas.

4. Serve with a sprinkling of grated coconut and flush brown sugar.

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