Jakarta –
Purple sweet potatoes and yellow yams are a popular type of sweet potato consumed in Indonesia. For diets to lose weight, is it better to consume purple sweet potatoes or yellow yams?
Sweet potatoes are one type of tubers that are believed to be healthy. Sweet potatoes are also often their favorite food that is dietary.
Quote Healthlinesweet potatoes are rich in antioxidants called beta-carotene. This content is effective in increasing vitamin A levels in the blood, especially in children.
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Sweet potatoes are also known for fiber. No wonder if sweet potatoes often appear in many diet menus.
Sweet potatoes come with many colors of meat. Differences in color will generally distinguish the composition of the nutrients in it.
Purple yam vs yellow yam
Quote Times of Indiathe difference between the two can be seen from the nutritional profile. Both purple and yellow sweet potatoes basically contain antioxidant compounds that give color to the meat.
In yellow yam, there are beta-carotene that can be converted into vitamin A in the body. While in purple sweet potatoes there are anthocyanin, strong antioxidant compounds that are believed to fight inflammation and cancer.
In addition, purple and yellow sweet potatoes are also rich in vitamins and minerals. But the benefits of both can vary.
Here are the benefits of yellow yam:
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1. Maintain eye health
Yellow sweet potatoes contain high beta-carotene which can improve eye health and reduce macular degeneration.
2. Increase endurance
Beta-carotene makes the immune system work well through its role as an antioxidant in fighting free radicals.
3. Source of high vitamin C
Yellow yam is also rich in vitamin C which functions to increase collagen production and iron absorption.
Here are the benefits of purple sweet potatoes:
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1. Fighting inflammation
Anthocyanin in purple sweet potatoes is anti-inflammatory. Studies in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that anthocyanin can inhibit inflammation.
2. Anticancer
Strong antioxidant compounds in purple sweet potatoes can protect the body from the risk of certain cancer by fighting free radicals.
Which is better for diet?
As explained above, sweet potatoes are almost always included in the diet menu of many people. However, which one is better for a diet between the two?
Basically, the two varieties of sweet potatoes both contain fiber. The fiber itself is known to make digestion process longer so that it can maintain a sense of fullness.
However, the fact is that purple sweet potatoes tend to be more dense fiber than yellow. A more dense fiber can ensure good intestinal movements so that they can finally contribute to the process of weight loss.
In addition, the glycemic index of purple sweet potatoes also tends to be lower than yellow yam. That way, purple sweet potatoes are called safer for people with high blood sugar levels.
This article has been aired on CNN Indonesia with the title “Purple yam vs yellow yam, which one is more useful for a diet?”