Portrait of Jokowi on Day 2 of Being Unemployed (Photo: Instagram)
USAI relinquishing his position as President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo and his family left for his hometown in Solo. The flight of the 7th Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to Solo was escorted by eight Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU) fighter planes.
After returning to Solo, Jokowi admitted that he did not have any special events. Now, the former number one person in Indonesia seems to just want to spend relaxing time with his wife, Iriana Jokowi.
This can be seen in the latest upload circulating on social media timelines, Jokowi appears to be enjoying the moment of eating soto together with Iriana. The two of them were seen at one of the simple soto stalls in Solo.

Eating soto together, Jokowi was seen wearing a white shirt. Iriana herself wore a cream patterned tunic combined with matching colored trousers. Meanwhile, in her hijab, Iriana wears pink.
Jokowi and Iriana sat facing each other at a soto stall, enjoying a bowl of soto. Jokowi and Iriana are certainly looking forward to simple and warm moments like this. The reason is that all this time they have been busy with various state activities,
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