Kupang –
The Constitutional Court (MK) rejected the application for dispute disputes over the results of the General Election (PHPU) of Rote Ndao Regency, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), which was proposed by the Vicoas Amalo-Bima Fanggidae pair. The interim decision was read by the panel of judges today.
The Petitioner’s attorney, Adhitya Nasution, said he respected the decision of the Court’s Panel of Judges who stated that he was not authorized to prosecute the case.
“Against the interim decision today, we respect the Constitutional Court’s decision regarding the interim decision stating that the Constitutional Court is not authorized to accept. In the future we hope that the KPU is more selective in verifying the candidate pair. Because even though it is not proven in the Constitution It took place, “Adhitya wrote via WhatsApp message, Tuesday (4/2/2025) night.
He added that the alleged diploma forgery by the elected Deputy Regent Apremoi Dudeline Dethan was still in the process of the Kupang State Administrative Court (PTUN).
“” That is related to indications of diploma forgery from one of the pairs of candidates for the elected Deputy Regent Regent according to the information we can also take place at the PTUN Kupang PTUN, “he said.
Adhitya stressed that his party still respects every legal decision taken by the Constitutional Court and PTUN Kupang.
“We appreciate every legal decision issued by the Constitutional Court and PTUN later. Hopefully the elected Regent and Deputy Regent can carry out their duties and responsibilities well. And of course, the current results become a learning for our clients in the future if they return to return as a candidate pair,” he said.
Separately, the elected Deputy Regent Rote Ndao, Apremoi Dudelline Dethan, emphasized that the Constitutional Court’s decision proved the accusation of falsification of diplomas was not true.
“This verdict proves that the diploma that I got in 2014 was true. This diploma is original and of course through the mechanism and process first I can get this diploma,” he said.
He also appreciated the Panel of MK Judges who had rejected the lawsuit. “We thank and appreciate the panel of judges who have decided fairly, on the agenda of the interim decision. This is evidence in the TUN Kupang Court, to see this truth,” he added.
The election of the regent (Pilbup) Rote Ndao was attended by three pairs of candidates. Paulus Henuk-Apremoi Dudelusy Dethan (Respondent) Number 1, Vicoas Amalo-Bima Fanggidae (Petitioner) Number 2, and Paulina Bullu-Sandro Fanggidae number 3.
Previously, the Constitutional Court stated that he was not authorized to try the request of case number 111/PHPU.BUP-XXIII/2025 related to the dispute over the results of the Rote Ndao Election 2024. This was conveyed in the pronunciation hearing in the MK plenary session, Jakarta, this afternoon.
“Stating the Constitutional Court is not authorized to try the petition of the Petitioner,” said Chief Justice Suhartoyo accompanied by eight other constitutional judges.
Constitutional Justice Ridwan Mansyur explained, the panel of judges concluded that the petitioner’s request was not related to the KPU decree regarding the determination of the results of the election of the Regent and Deputy Regent of Rote Ndao.
“So that the Petitioner’s request is not the authority of the Court to try it,” said Ridwan.
With the rejection of this lawsuit, the pair Paulus Henuk and Apremoi Dudebly Dethan will be appointed as Regent and Deputy Regent of Rote Ndao for the 2025-2030 period.